Touching Up Windstones Question

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    OK…this might be a really retarded question, but someone once told me the only “retarded” questions are the ones you didn’t ask…so…..

    I’m touching up my white dragons that I got off ebay months ago. I might finally have time during holidays. I got the white touch up paint and the clear gloss coting from Windstone (thanks again guys), and I just want to make sure: Do you just apply the white paint first, wait for it to dry, then put the clear gloss on, and let dry?

    It is just a small scratch that I need to touch up from my white mother, and my white lap has a dime-sized patch of missing gloss. Thanks in advance guys, and sorry if this topic’s been discussed here before.


      yes make sure the spot is all clean and dry…put the white on….let it dry and make sure you don’t need another coat….

      once it’s all dry and pretty…then do the sealer and let it dry…


      Gee thanks Frozen… I guess you’d be the expert at cleaning up whites 😀 I’m building my own brood of whites also…my fledgling is fluttering his way to me as we speak…poor thing…kinda cold, for his first journey…

      Oh, also since I got your attention, are the touch-ups more noticable on whites than the darker colored ones? Thanks again…


        DROGO wrote:

        Gee thanks Frozen… I guess you’d be the expert at cleaning up whites 😀 I’m building my own brood of whites also…my fledgling is fluttering his way to me as we speak…poor thing…kinda cold, for his first journey…

        Oh, also since I got your attention, are the touch-ups more noticable on whites than the darker colored ones? Thanks again…

        usually touch ups blend better into the whites…
        and are less noticeable…

        at least any that I’ve had to do….and that’s not much…

        hmm you wouldn’t happen to be looking for a slightly dinged white wizard would you…LOL


        HAHAHA…Read your post on the white wizard woes… No… Spent too much on white wizards already… GANDALF and SARUMAN! 😀



          I do have someone interested though…so that’s good….


          What does the clear gloss coating do? Does it seal the touch up job…I’m not noticing a change in sheen/ texture for some reason… 😕


          Can you get clear gloss coating from any art store in person or online? If so, does anyone know where and what brand works well? Thanks!


            Drogo got the gloss coating from Windstone directly for touch up purposes, so they have the same kind as are used on production Windstones.

            There are many other kinds of gloss clear coat. Do you want a spray on or a brush on kind?

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              DROGO wrote:

              What does the clear gloss coating do? Does it seal the touch up job…I’m not noticing a change in sheen/ texture for some reason… 😕

              mainly it’s a sealer…

              with the pearl white it’s usually pretty shiney…so you don’t notice much of a diff in the paint with or without the gloss coating….

              it does keep the paint from just rubbing right off too….


              Nambroth wrote:

              Drogo got the gloss coating from Windstone directly for touch up purposes, so they have the same kind as are used on production Windstones.

              There are many other kinds of gloss clear coat. Do you want a spray on or a brush on kind?

              Thanks again Nam… it was so sweet of you guys to send me the paint 😛

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