Well my poor little thing decided a chip bags noise from the outside would be more entertaining from the inside…. Sticks her head in and realizes it’s too small for her to actually crawl into, or out of for that matter. She then tries to get someone to help her pull it off, but my cat is Soooooooooo afraid of humans she can’t just stay there long enough for one of us (who are also laughing so hard at her anyway) to get close enough take it off her head. Everytime we can get within range she freaks out and tries to run away from us and into a wall or anything else that’s around. after 10 minuetes or so she can’t get enough air and is so scared she is hyperventalating as well. Picture a chip bag Breathing…. Finally we mangae to corner her and get it off before she did more than bruise her skull. But Now she no longer goes near anybag that is not canvas. 🙄 My cat learns things the first time, which is not always as good a thing as you’ld think it would be.