Toronto and GTA members, let's get together! Pics p.3

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      Or if you just give me all your money. J/K 😀


      Kyrin wrote:

      Romeodanny wrote:

      Jennifer wrote:

      If you come into the American side of Niagara, there is an awesome aviary:

      Isn’t this in Canada? It’s just down the street from the falls, and if you keep going eventually you’ll run into the Floral Clock, Niagara Parks Botanical Nature Gardens which has the butterfly conservatory. Oh there’s all sorts of places to stop between the Floral Clock and the Gardens. Some great places to hike and great scenery of the river. If you keep going you’ll end up in Niagara On the Lake. A great place to shop, and actually has a rich history. There is a shop there that has a bear back candle lamp. It’s missing the votive, but otherwise in great condition. But, it’s pricey (just like everything in Canada).

      Actually the American dollar is worth more than the Canadian dollar, with the C dollar being roughly worth $.83 cents of the A dollar at current rates. So while it seems like it costs more, it actually costs less or the same as here.

      For example when you look at the back of a book for price and it has the two prices, one is american money and the other is canadian money, so a canadian is paying more, due to their dollar being worth less, but we are both paying the same amount in American money.

      Sucks though for the Canadians though, my money goes farther when I visit, which is good for me, but doesn’t help them a whole lot. Unless my spending helps the economy. 🙂


      Laughs softly. Sorry, I didn’t mean the aviary… I meant the candle lamp is pricey. The aviary is actually very well priced. So are most of the attractions especially considering how big the tourism is there. (Or maybe that’s why the attractions are so well priced)


      Oh oh I will try to make it!! 😀 It’s close to my birthday, I just have to ask my family when they are planning our family get-together, which we like to do because it’s also my dad’s birthday on my birthday ^_^ But meeting up would be AWESOME! 😀


      I have a favor to ask for those who live in Toronto who are going to go to the BBQ. Can one of you possibly come and pick me and my friend up from our hotel, I may not be able to afford a rental car. And even if I can. I am sure to get lost, and my friend is as unfamiliar with Toronto and the surrounding area as I am. So it would better if we can get a ride, please please please!



        Where are you staying?? Hubby is going to have to drive me anyways since I don’t drive at all.


        Jasmine wrote:

        Where are you staying?? Hubby is going to have to drive me anyways since I don’t drive at all.

        I believe it is the Best Western Airport hotel, I’ll look it up on Travelocity later.



          Just PM me and we’ll see what we can work out.


            It’s probably in Mississauga, not all that far from me, so if it’s too much of a detour for you, Jasmine, I can go.

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            dragonmedley wrote:

            It’s probably in Mississauga, not all that far from me, so if it’s too much of a detour for you, Jasmine, I can go.

            I do believe it is in Mississauga, and I appreciate it. We are rethinking a rental car, just cause neither of us are familiar with Toronto and the public transport system is so prevalent we should be able to go just about everywhere we want to on that.



              dragonmedley wrote:

              It’s probably in Mississauga, not all that far from me, so if it’s too much of a detour for you, Jasmine, I can go.

              If you don’t mind…


                We’ll work something out for sure!

                Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                Hey guys! 12 days until I get there! Let’s have a show of hands on who will be making it to Dragonmedley’s BBQ, and who still wants to try to catch up with me separately. I’ll need contact info from those folks!



                  Right now, the plan is to start at my place at 1 pm, on Monday, August 3 (Civic Holiday). If you want to come, please PM me (if you haven’t already). I need to know how many people to expect and to give out the address 😀

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    I should be there, barring any emergencies. Looking forward to it. 😀



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