
To ship, or not to ship…that is my question!

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      Mika, as an ebay shopper only, I am annoyed each and every time something shows up in my search, where the seller doesn’t offer international shipping, nor do they even accept to be contacted by international buyers. I’m disappointed that they don’t offer international shipping, but I’m super annoyed that the listing even showed up at all. I have left feedback for ebay I don’t know how many times. If someone on ebay.com isn’t selling to someone with an account at ebay.ca, why does that seller’s item even show up??? I’ve said to ebay that the seller went to lengths so they couldn’t even be contacted by someone with a dot CA account, so why are you wasting my time, by having what they’re selling show up in my search?  It is a waste of time and it gets your hopes up… I end up going over the listing with a fine tooth comb just to find out that I can’t even contact the seller.  Ebay need to refine their system. I don’t even want to know that it’s out there, if the person won’t even accept messages from me.

      That is also something to think about…if you’re selling on ebay and you don’t want the hassle of shipping internationally, you should at the very least keep the option to be contacted, open. I have family I can ship to in the US in desperate times…you never know what kind of buyer you’re shutting out, and you’re piece could have been sold by now.

      Ok 😀 Rant over!!

      Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


        I agree.  If someone doesn’t want to ship to Canada I have lots of friends in the US I could ship the item to that would be happy to ship it to me in Canada.  I have noticed that too when searching for items if they pop up and I try and bid and it says the seller doesn’t ship to Canada or the shipping isn’t specified.  As a buyer in Canada I am used to paying higher shipping fees and I accept that.  If the seller thinks it is a bit more work to fill in customs forms or go to the post office, they could always charge a few dollars extra for the listing or handling if it really makes a big difference.  You can also look up shipping on USPS.com if you know the approximate weight and dimensions of the box.  I have a weigh scale and a tape measure to help with shipping and printing labels online.  Even if you can’t print a label online though, you can still look up the shipping rate to quote someone so they can pay you before you take it to the post office so you don’t have to go twice, to get a quote and then to ship.  Also on ebay I don’t know how many times I have seen listings shipping within the US for free or cheap and I offer to pay the seller a few dollars more than the international rate to ship to me where they would make more money and they say they don’t ship out of the US.  I have seen some listings that were continually re-listed month after month for something no one in the US is buying that I would actually buy so sellers are missing out if they aren’t willing to give international buyers a chance.

        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


          In the same breath,  if I put myself in the shoes of a seller on eBay, I might be reluctant to ship to a different address when the item will likely end up back in the mail… In the end this poses a greater risk of something thing happening to the item. Anyway, this thread wasn’t intended to try and convince anyone to ship outside their comfort zone. I am glad to have heard some of the reasononing behind it, because now i know what might be at stake if i ask someone to reconcider, and ship internationally.  I probably won’t 😉

          Thanks again guys!

          Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


            Im glad to have read many experiences. I was unsure of international at first and I follow what the buyer would like now with stipulation.

            If you want gift and less than $50 value, you yourself are taking that risk as the buyer. And ive also had people pay the crazy Priority mail with insurance to have it guaranteed. I leave it up to the buyer, but of it doesn’t work out by what you chose. Your choice, youre responsible.


              I would be extremely wary of shipping to someone other than the confirmed buyer, though. The way seller protections work, if we don’t ship to the confirmed address attached to the Paypal receipt, we are totally screwed if the buyer doesn’t receive (or SAYS they don’t receive!) the item if we ship it to a proxy within the USA. Paypal will universally side with a buyer if the seller does not ship to that confirmed address. For me, that could mean losing out on a painting I put a lot of work into, AND the money from the buyer (and shipping costs too).

              It’s sometimes possible to put the proxy’s address in when making the purchase, but not always. I hope you can understand this from a seller’s perspective, especially those of us that depend on sales to make a living. I do not at all begrudge international customers, and I’m honored they’d want to purchase, but I don’t have to like the shipping process!

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
              My art: featherdust.com

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