
To introduce myself proper

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    Hello all,

    I am a longtime fantasy and Windstone fan, though I admit I have only a modest collection (male Peacock, Peacock hatchling, ‘dark blue’ Peacock Oriental, small bat-winged Flap Cat, black male Unicorn). Still, this seems like a fun, friendly place for fantasy fans and artist types alike who share a love for Melody’s work.

    I haven’t belonged to many forums or groups in the past, and I probably won’t be TOO frequent a visitor, but I look forward to joining all of you. I admit I’ve been lurking around awhile (you might have noticed my comments in your Gallery works as “Guest_Lurker”), but only recently decided I visited often enough to warrant having a membership/identity here.

    So, a little more about myself! I am a freelance graphic designer/illustrator, and dragons are my specialty (even my business name had to have ‘dragon’ in there somewhere ;). One day I hope to be doing more fine art than justifying text and waxing eloquent about fonts, but for now I pay the bills and practice my digital painting. I actually have Nambroth and her wonderful site full of tutorials to thank for teaching me some of my newfound painting skills in the digital realm (and I LOVE her art!)

    I am already known by a few of you here (eyes SPark and Keplilly), and in fact, I am familiar with the written and illustrated works of Watergazer. I used to be a prepress tech at Trafford Publishing–I remember seeing several of her titles pass by my desk during the production phase! Talk about small world…

    Anyway, I’ve made this long enough. I feel like I know a lot of you already, so I figured a proper intro was in order by now.

    See you around!



      Welcome to the forum! I have seen your comments!! πŸ˜€ Im glad you decided to say, “Hello!” Hello back to you!


        Welcome to the forum πŸ™‚


          Welcome!! Glad my tutorials were of use to someone… they’re terribly outdated! Someday when I have more time on my hands I’ll do some more. πŸ™‚

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
          My art: featherdust.com


          Why thank you Skigod… somehow I knew you’d be the first to reply. *grins*

          Thanks Lokie! Heck, thank everyone in advance!

          No worries, Nambroth… they were a good start for me. I had been already self-taught in the use of Photoshop for painting, and needed just a little demo on Painter to really get me going. I’ve since developed my own style and method of working in it, which is of course, the goal. πŸ˜‰ Thanks for being willing to share! I will likely do the same to help others out too. The more info or methods available, the better! πŸ™‚


          Ho there! Welcome to the forums!

          Aha… Guest_Lurker has revealed itself. I was wondering who you were!




              Welcome, DigitalDragon – which I shall right now shorten to DD; sorry to everyone who hates acronyms. 😈 I checked out your website. Nice layout!


              Yes, Chessie, I was indeed the mysterious commenter. *G* However, I may be a lurker, but I am never a stalker. πŸ˜‰

              Thanks, GB! My website is my pride and joy… the first one was sort of ‘menh’. I always insist that a graphic designer at least does the design of their own site (otherwise, why be a designer?). I am in the process of improving the CSS/HTML structure and layout as we speak (it’s had flaws for over a year) and will have edited info and new portfolio stuff by the end of this week (hopefully). Time to get scanning some big-arse artwork! πŸ˜€


                Cool! I’ll stop by later on then and see if it’s up yet. I always like browsing through other people’s art.


                  *Tackles* Hi! Yay! You’re here!


                    *waves* Yello. The most interesting people come on here. Makes me wish I had some talent for art.

                    I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                    Engaged to a Weasel


                    Agh! *is tackled by a SPark* Yes, I am here. *grins* Thought I’d come stir up trouble. hee… ^_-

                    Aww, I like to think I might be interesting, BiPolarBear. And more than a bit crazy. 8)


                    Hi and welcome, thanks for joining and introducing yourself, enjoy the crazies, i sure do .

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