
To all the nick nack shoppers out there!

Home Forums Miscellany Community To all the nick nack shoppers out there!

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years ago by ..
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  • #495963


        Hi guys,

        I was wondering if anyone has seen one of these small Egyptian gold plated pewter figurines in a local store. The online store with these pics doesn’t know when they will get them in again.



        I used to see them on Ebay about a year or two ago, but no such luck right now. I’m looking for them brand new, preferably in the box. I would be happy to pay for the figurine, shipping and a finders fee. I was looking for two of each.

        Just PM if you are interested. Any leads for online stores that have them would be great too.

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