
Thoughts and Prayers for my BIL

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      Doctors just found a mass with lymph node involvement in my brother in law’s left lung. They’re trying to get it biopsied and if needed out quickly, but you know how insurance companies balk and dig in their heels. He’s 77 and a chain smoker for close to 65 years, so yeah not something to be unexpected but here’s hoping it is nothing much or easy to remove completely. It’s a blessing he developed pneumonia back in January, or they probably wouldn’t have found this.

      My husband and I are his only close family (bachelor without kids), so we’re staying with him while they figure this out. I only have one thing in Classifieds right now I think, the trade offer for a flap cat. If anyone is interested in anything I have, please be patient I won’t be able to respond as quickly as usual- everything is at home. I am only 45 minutes- an hour away, so I can get things within a few days if needed.


        Saying a prayer for your brother -in-law. It is good of y’all to be there to support him through what must be a terrifying time. Hope he (and y’all) get the best news possible.


          Here’s to hoping things go smoothly and turn out well. Wishing your family lots of good luck!


            Prayers being said for him and hoping for the best.


              Bob had the biopsy (FINALLY!!! so much for STAT orders) last Friday, and the doctor got the results and called him in today. Squamous cell carcinoma, quite hot and lymphs involved; surgery isn’t an option almost certainly as the mass is around and in the bronchial tube right where it branches to the upper and lower lobes in the left lung. Not yet staged or timetables given, the doctor made an appointment with an oncologist from the exam room and Bob goes there Tuesday. We’ll find out more then, but all these doctor visits and copays are killing him financially and he’s talking of just not making more appointments. 🙁


                Double post sorry.


                  I’m so sorry for what obviously are not the results y’all were hoping for. I hope he keeps the next appointment, because you NEVER KNOW what may happen or what options the doctors may suggest. Saying a prayer.

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