The "Who am I" Game

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  • #587440

    Good. I hope she does soon, because I want to guess again. 😛


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Good. I hope she does soon, because I want to guess again. 😛

    I know it is supposed to be in turns…but why don’t we just let someone put something up…if the winner can’t do so fairly quickly….I don’t wanna hog someones turn…but we could have a couple pics up at one time….and you could say Keschete’s pic or Dragonessjade’s pic when they guess? And then who ever has a pic…heck, post it…we are having so much fun with this!

    Hope this is okay, cause I have tons of pics. Tell me if you all want me to just shut up!


      I’m going to guess your OW again 😉

      Or a lap BG…


      keschete wrote:

      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Good. I hope she does soon, because I want to guess again. 😛

      I know it is supposed to be in turns…but why don’t we just let someone put something up…if the winner can’t do so fairly quickly….I don’t wanna hog someones turn…but we could have a couple pics up at one time….and you could say Keschete’s pic or Dragonessjade’s pic when they guess? And then who ever has a pic…heck, post it…we are having so much fun with this!

      Hope this is okay, cause I have tons of pics. Tell me if you all want me to just shut up!

      Might be the eye to a Black Gold Emperor :3


      Mother Dragon in Black Gold?


        Griffiness wrote:

        Mother Dragon in Black Gold?

        Ooooh! Good guess. I think you’re right, but we’ll have to see.


        keschete wrote:

        Looks like the eye of a Black Male Griffin to me! :O


        Thanks for posting, keschete.

        I’m goign to third Griffiness’s guess of a mother dragon.


          keschete wrote:

          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Good. I hope she does soon, because I want to guess again. 😛

          I know it is supposed to be in turns…but why don’t we just let someone put something up…if the winner can’t do so fairly quickly….I don’t wanna hog someones turn…but we could have a couple pics up at one time….and you could say Keschete’s pic or Dragonessjade’s pic when they guess? And then who ever has a pic…heck, post it…we are having so much fun with this!

          Hope this is okay, cause I have tons of pics. Tell me if you all want me to just shut up!

          A Black Gold Scratching dragon 😯


            That looks like a griffin eye if I ever saw one. Sigh. Over and over. 😉 😆

            Watch, I’ll be wrong then really look stupid! 😉

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
            My art:


              keschete wrote:

              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              Good. I hope she does soon, because I want to guess again. 😛

              I know it is supposed to be in turns…but why don’t we just let someone put something up…if the winner can’t do so fairly quickly….I don’t wanna hog someones turn…but we could have a couple pics up at one time….and you could say Keschete’s pic or Dragonessjade’s pic when they guess? And then who ever has a pic…heck, post it…we are having so much fun with this!

              Hope this is okay, cause I have tons of pics. Tell me if you all want me to just shut up!

              Looks like the BG male dragon eye to me


                I’m guessing male griff also.


                Algy wrote:

                keschete wrote:

                Looks like the eye of a Black Male Griffin to me! :O

                It is my black male Griffin 🙂 YEAH! I did that because I figured everyone would guess the OW…hehehe

                Okay someone post somethin! I wanna guess!


                  I wanna try 🙂

                  Who’s this? (extra points if you guess his prior color before I turned it b&w)


                    Is it an emperor? (guessing, since I’ve only seen one in person, and it was a passing glance)

                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                    My art:

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