The Tansu Project -or- How I wasted my afternoon

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        My word. I started this project hoping to make the regal tansu that you see in the japanese doll sets

        After much scoraging, grunting and careful placement, I managed to make one:


        Using the box that my dining table came in with the crouching and curly boxes, I managed to make a bottom row.

        The next row was easier- it’s made entirely of wine boxes.

        For the top I needed something wider, so with a combination of Large Windstone boxes and a copy of The Goblet of Fire, I managed to make the top tier somewhat level.

        Okay…. now for something to cover the ugly boxes.

        Rumaged through my box room to find all my fabrics. Went so far as to dig through my obi collection and my “good” fabrics.

        Finally found an overly large bolt of beautiful gold satin type material I had bought once when drunk in Bahrain…. I buy the stupidest stuff when drunk, but I finally found a use for some of it!

        I had to iron it and cut it in half first. It didn’t take long- I was excited and looking forward to finishing!

        Then came the fun part of putting it on.

        I looked all over the house for scotch tape…..masking tape…..packing tape…..them looked for duct tape. Wondering how I can work in my field and not own a roll of tape (I know I had one!):evil:

        Getting impatient, I decided my Windstones would not mind sitting on the fabric just so, and the fabric would not fall down.

        Back downstairs to put the fabric on!

        The boxes….were a little tight….so, much grunting and cursing (I am a sailor after all) for a project that took too much physical prowess to tuck the elusive satin behind the boxes that were wedged alot beter than I remembered. The satin seemed to enjoy slipping down so it did not cover the proper stair or not sag into the “L” shape of the box I had made for it.

        But after a few minutes I got the First part done! 😕

        The last part was a little easier, but the wine boxes were still difficult to manuver around.

        Finally! The last part is done!

        Now to put everyone back on the shelf!

        The OW’s saw the gold Tansu and screamed “Me first!” Boy, I should’ve stopped listening to them then….

        After I got them on the top step, they wanted “a court of four” Like in the doll set. Windstones can’t count very well I guess as the dolls are in threes or fives. Using logic, the young horned ones were the only ones I actually had four of

        Okay, simple! Brown, Gold, Gold Black, Ruby.

        Ruby stop moving! Yeesh.

        The spectral quietly wanted the top shelf also as he needed to be somewhat out of sight.

        The white male caught on, nodded and decided that they were to be caretakers of the OW’s since thier color matched.

        Simple enough! This is going great!

        I started to put all my small ones on the next shelf as this one was rather thin, but that’s when the squabbiling started….

        The hatching empress, the snoot that she is, didn’t want to be with the unicorns because she was scared of them!

        Oh brother….

        The baby unicorn couldn’t be without it’s mother, while the new baby pearl griffin didn’t want to be on the same shelf as dad.

        The Pegasus couple wanted to hold the name plate while the mother dragons couldn’t get along when placed next to each other. (Too easy to bite tails)

        The fledgeling wanted to be near his mother (Who still won’t sit still enough for a photo and the OW’s didn’t want the young one to mess up thier court.

        Next time I’m getting all curlies. They were quiet the whole time, but no doubt watching everything going on….

        Eventually, we reached a compromise and eventually everyone got a seat.

        It was then that the gold one started shrieking that she wanted a different backdrop 😈 and that she was afraid of falling off…

        Everyone’s coming down in the morning. Heaven FORBID there’s an earthquake in Japan 🙄

        I get upstairs to type this up and am greeted by my orientals who bark at me for a peacock or jade baby… How the heck do orientals bark anyways?


          And to think my new wolf griffin set should be here next week….

          It’s time to get an Emperor.


          wow that is sooo house will be traditional japanese whenever i get enouygh money lol and MUST get an emp..i just got mine a couple days ago and hes gooorgeous


          Nice arrangement, DarkLady! But you’ve got some empty spots… 😛


            What a neat setup! I like it but you do have some empty spots there. Need more windstone!

            While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


            Very pretty, and I loved your accounting of the action!


            awesome story! i think the layout looks great now. i hope all the pieces adjust to their new positions.


            Haha, I recently moved some of my Windstones, but they didn’t do that much hooting and hollaring. I like what you have done. That shelf must be pretty big to add all of those on there.


              I love your story! 😀 The ending was a little different than the one I was expecting, but I like yours better 😛


                Thank you for the story! Yes, those pieces can be pesky at times! 😆

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