The problem with the world today…

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    Jasmine wrote:

    I guess it’s because people don’t see you or really know you that makes it so easy to fake things online. But I agree, I’d rather give my sympathies whether or not they’re telling the truth than withhold them from someone who really needs it.

    Amen! 🙂


    Barrdwing wrote:

    Humans. Criminy. You just gotta wonder sometimes . . . .

    I’ve been a fool at times, and I’ve been made a fool of at times. It’s a terrible feeling, but I know it happens to everyone–often by accident, with no malice involved–and it’s generally not fatal. It’s just a darned shame that some people delight in inflicting this on other people. There’s no call for mean-spiritedness; life is challenging enough. And the world is such a beautiful place. Why focus on creating badness?

    I think Munchousen’s, whether it’s by Proxy or by Internet, is considered a mental illness, so there is no logic to be found in the actions of a compulsive liar, no more than in any other kind of compulsion, be it overeating, gambling or obsessive cleaning.


    Interesting. My ex-bf use to be on the computer a lot thru AOL. I would read what he wrote and I would get mad because he would lie to so many people. He would tell them that he was a single father and that he didn’t have any money. Which in fact we were bf and gf and I was working to support him and his daughter. He would get girls to do things for him like send him money, take him places. I asked him why he lied to so many people and he said because he wanted to see what kind of reaction he got. He was also a internet bully.


    I missed you, Safyre. I’ve always liked your avatar!
    You don’t need the internet to deceive people, and your never know if you’re going to get hurt unless you trust first. I’ve only been on the forum for a few months (5?) and I love the people on here. Yes, we would be hurt, but I think the people here are honest and so far, all have my trust.


      I forget things, but I do miss people, even if I don’t say anything….my brain works weird that way. Saphire, I miss every person that has touched this forum and has left for some reason or another. I may never remember their names to ask about them, but they are there. Some make a bigger impression than others and I remember more….Like Watergazer.

      On a side note, just to say something about it, I don’t know if I say this to reasure you guys, or myself……but if I post something, it will be 98% true (one must expect SOME embelishments) but if I share something, it’s usualy not for sympathy, or even for myself necesarily….it is either to make someone (or many) laugh, or to post just to get my thoughts out. I don’t have a blog, because quite frankly, I don’t have enough to say, and I’m too lazy to type/write it down….Same reason I don’t have a journal. So if something strikes as really needing to just get out I’ll post it here and not really care what anyone thinks/says about it, even though the responses can be interesting and I enjoy reading them.

      Back to the meat of the subject though, now I’m darn curious as to who or what situation you were refering to Saphyre? I’m dying to know names and juicy details, especialy if it’s about me! 😆

      Seriously though if you have something to say, at least have the huevos to come out and say it completely. By doing what you did, you’ve placed yourself in the same boat as the person in the article, though not quite as severe….But you have stirred the pot of curiosity and thereby created attention that is now directed at you. I think that follows clear thought?

      Either way, it’s good to hear from you and I hope all is well with you!

      ~Cat the confusing Muhahahaha

      PS, that was an interesting article =P


        The post sure did spark suspicion, though, and I dont think thats the right thing to do without some kind or proof. If it was just to inform, that is great, but it was not stated that way. Now I am all curious as to who it was directed at, and I am sure many may take it as directed at them… and that is not really ok.


        Well, as much as I would like to know who Safyre is pointing a finger at, honestly I don’t really care if I do find out.

        Safyre I do miss you. I know the feeling, I’ve wondered if I left would anyone miss me? I know some would, others would probably say “finally”. 😆


        Its sad but there must have been more things than this game that was upsetting her 😕

        I have never herd of it so who knows.


          Upsetting who, Griffiness? The woman who “committed suicide” wasn’t even a real person. It was a false persona some guy was using and lying to people in the game to get sympathy for things that weren’t real. I think what saphire is saying is that she’s worried that people on here are doing that too.


            skigod377 wrote:

            The post sure did spark suspicion, though, and I dont think thats the right thing to do without some kind or proof. If it was just to inform, that is great, but it was not stated that way. Now I am all curious as to who it was directed at, and I am sure many may take it as directed at them… and that is not really ok.

            This is my concern also.

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            “The problem with the world today…”

            No. The problem with the world today is that small things can get big press and cause upset far beyond those directly involved.

            How many people play this on-line game? The equivalent of a small city? The equivalent of a large city? Compare that size of community to a normal city, where the newspaper lists all kinds of heinous crimes committed by and to people every day, then wonder how it can be that something so insignificant as a crazy person doing what crazy people do best (lying or killing themselves) can have everyone looking at their own friends in the expectation of finding someone there who is similarly crazy, and worrying about it.

            What is lacking today is perspective. If someone is crying out for attention, the least of our worries ought to be “Am I being lied to?” You only need to worry about that if you are thinking of doing something, as a result of your communication with this person, that will have a major effect on your own life; like sending to them more money than you can afford to lose, or joining a cult, or selling your kids into slavery.

            One of the GOOD things about this strange new perspective is that we are more aware now, than ever before, that there really are people out there waiting to con us. We get email scams every day, hear about mail and telephone scams, learn about credit-card and identity theft, and so on. So we are more skeptical about our interactions with people we don’t know well, and this can be a good self-defense mechanism.

            I think that this skepticism goes too far, though, if it causes us to step back in fear of the possibility that we may be offering advice and encouragement to someone who, if we knew more, would not be deemed worthy of that advice or encouragement.

            I mean, what does it cost us to be friendly and caring towards others? And are the rewards not normally worth it?


              The Castle [Dave wrote:

              “]I mean, what does it cost us to be friendly and caring towards others? And are the rewards not normally worth it?



                Well said, Dave. Bravo.


                Well said indeed, Dave!


                  I still didn’t read the article but I read the posts and I hope I’m not the reason it was started. I come on here because I consider you guys my friends and I am helped by your words and advice which is why I post. I’m not on here looking for sympathy but to share what goes on in my life as I would with any friend I have. Unfortunatly most of what is going on in my life right now has been not great news (except for my husbands transplant that is going so well). If I am bothering anyone with my posts I hope they would tell me because I’m not here looking for pitty just friendship.

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