the postal system is a joke: a story in three parts

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      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Use UPS or DHL…

      UPS is the WORST and besides I could not use they to send things to Ski they did not deliver to APO’s. We should start our own delivery service where all employees MUST treat EVERY box as if it was their own


      so most of the stuff i was afraid was gonna tempted to justd elievr packages on my own from now on :: grumbles:: sorry everyone but the cost of my commissions now has to cover plane tickets! πŸ˜†


      sunhawk wrote:

      So today, the postman knocked on my door and he had a package for me, hurray! I knew it was the Peacock Young Dragon that I’d bought from Dracomancer πŸ˜€ Unfortunately, it seems that Customs felt the need to open and verify the contents and somehow the box arrived at my door not only with the top re-taped, but also a top corner was crushed and the box flap on that side had ripped at the halfway point to the degree that it had pulled away from the tape supposed to keep it closed. The resulting hole was big enough to stick my hand into!

      I remarked on this to the postman, who told me that no one who works at Customs cares about anyone’s packages, and we ageed what a shame that was. But then, he mentioned he had something for me to sign, and instead of handing me the box or placing it at his feet, he just DROPPED IT from waist height until it hit the ground!! The box clearly said FRAGILE!! And when I yelled “Whoa!!” he made NO COMMENT OR QUESTION TO DOING SO! @_@!!!

      Stunned, I looked at what he wanted me to sign and Customs had decided that it wasn’t enough to wreck my package’s box, they also had to charge me to accept my also clearly marked “Gift” package. So I basically paid them to open my package and crappily repackage it.

      Thank god Dracomancer double-boxed it and had lots of peanuts!! The dragon does not seem to have suffered from the lackluster treatment LOL

      My heart stopped whan I read about the postman dropping the box! Thank goodness the dragon did not suffer any damage! πŸ˜€


      I got a box like a month ago from the post office and it had a huge hole in it. It wasn’t packaged like I wanted it, but it didn’t get broken either. I was really fretting that one.


      Dracomancer wrote:

      so most of the stuff i was afraid was gonna tempted to justd elievr packages on my own from now on :: grumbles:: sorry everyone but the cost of my commissions now has to cover plane tickets! πŸ˜†

      LOL sorry mate, I’ve never had a package arrive quite THAT BADLY treated! @_@;;


      eaglefeather831 wrote:

      My heart stopped whan I read about the postman dropping the box! Thank goodness the dragon did not suffer any damage! πŸ˜€

      My brain just went “WHAT???!!” as I watched the box fall! LOL


      Dracomancer wrote:

      so most of the stuff i was afraid was gonna tempted to justd elievr packages on my own from now on :: grumbles:: sorry everyone but the cost of my commissions now has to cover plane tickets! πŸ˜†

      That’s the way to go, Dracomancer. πŸ˜†


      Dracomancer wrote:

      so most of the stuff i was afraid was gonna tempted to justd elievr packages on my own from now on :: grumbles:: sorry everyone but the cost of my commissions now has to cover plane tickets! πŸ˜†

      Ah there you go, that’ll be $100 for the commission and $2000 for the delivery. How would you like to pay? lol

      Don’t worry no matter what method you use to deliver they will be harshly treated. Don’t watch them load a plane, really don’t. It’s a wonder that anything gets to it’s destination in one piece…

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