The Post Office sits on a Throne of Lies

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      So I ordered this gorgeous necklace off etsy. Expected delivery was today, and sure enough it was “delivered” at 8:43 a.m. It was not in my mailbox. I got my other packages at 3 pm like normal.

      This has happened before. They mark small items that would fit in mailboxes as “delivered” before they leave the post office. Has anyone else heard of this before? Doesn’t this seem counterproductive? Now it’s my word against theirs.


        So the necklace wasn’t delivered at 3 with the other mail?

        My mail person had a bad habit of just leaving me a notice that she’d missed me when she never even knocked on my door. I live in an apartment complex and all I can figure is that she doesn’t feel like walking that far with my package and everybody’s mail, too. Once, my tracking said a package was delivered but when I got home it was nowhere to be found. I was quite frantic as you can imagine! The next day I went to the post office to see if they had it and found they actually had 3 of my packages (including the supposedly delivered one), none of which I had received a notification for. At that point I decided it was time to break down and rent a postal box. Sometimes I wonder if it’s all a conspiracy to get more money out of us. :~


        I hear you! I checked on a purchase from ebay a week ago Friday at 2:45 pm. Tracking said it was delivered at 3:15 pm! And, of course, when my mail was delivered after 4, there was no package. Luckily it did arrive the next day. I’m pretty sure that they are now delivering packages separately from the regular mail; in the past I have heard a mail cart pull up in front of my house, someone run up my walk and THROW the package onto my porch (I was in the room right next to the front of the house at the time)!!!! There was no damage because it had been packed by a Windstone savey packer but really!!!? The USPS is trying to compete with UPS and Fed Ex for package delivery (we’ve gotten flyers to that effect) so I think the delivery time is posted before the delivery trucks go out. Its something they need to change.


          I agree with you both! I’ve had them throw packages up the stairs as well. Ugh!
          I’ll wait until tomorrow and see if it shows up, and if it doesn’t they shall feel my wrath! :3


            I’ve had this happen too, claimed it was delivered, shows up the next day, it always seems to happen on days my regular mail lady isn’t working…

            UPS sucks as well, about a month or so ago, I was waiting on a momma kirin…I see the UPS guy so I wait for him to come to me….he doesn’t, he moves the van around the corner, I catch him coming down from an upstairs apartment….I ask him if he has one for my apartment number since it was due that day….he says no and leaves….I check online later, it says delivered, I look, nope…I call UPS, they eventually find out it was delivered to the wrong number…I go to find it, it’s at the damn apartment I caught him coming down from….

            4 things I'm looking for:
            1. Mother Meerkat
            2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
            3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
            4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


              I’ve had this happen too, claimed it was delivered, shows up the next day, it always seems to happen on days my regular mail lady isn’t working…

              UPS sucks as well, about a month or so ago, I was waiting on a momma kirin…I see the UPS guy so I wait for him to come to me….he doesn’t, he moves the van around the corner, I catch him coming down from an upstairs apartment….I ask him if he has one for my apartment number since it was due that day….he says no and leaves….I check online later, it says delivered, I look, nope…I call UPS, they eventually find out it was delivered to the wrong number…I go to find it, it’s at the damn apartment I caught him coming down from….

              Wooow!! I would be livid!


                Wooow!! I would be livid!

                oh yeah, I made sure they put a ding on his file….he was reallllll nice to me the last time I saw him again…..

                4 things I'm looking for:
                1. Mother Meerkat
                2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                  I have noticed even with Canada Post that they seem to be delivering packages apart from the mail now so I can get trucks coming in the afternoon or even in the evening with packages long after my mail has come. They usually ring the bell and place the box next to the door but one thing I don’t like is I have come home several times to find a box sitting in front of my door that could have been there for hours so I am lucky no neighbors think of taking my packages. I don’t have tracking on most of mine so I have been lucky they have all arrived safely because I wouldn’t know the difference if some got lost or were late. My mom’s young unicorn arrived several days after mine so we were freaking out for a few days thinking it had been lost and then we found out it was held up at customs and she got a nice $30 customs fee with hers when it finally arrived but at least she had to sign for it so it couldn’t have gone to the wrong house.

                  Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

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