
The pen is mightier than the sword….

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      I just wanted to share cause I’m feeling pretty good about myself 😆

      Last summer my husband and I were towing our brand new (less than 1500 miles towing) up to Lake Tulloch. It’s about three hours from us. We’ve taken our other boat there many times and this boat a couple times.

      We started hearing some strange noises and the wheels of the trailer start smoking 😯 Then BAM!
      The tire explodes!
      Luckily we were right near the next exit and at the bottom of the exit was a Kragen. Again, luckily, my husband is a whiz at fixin stuff and luckily, there was a boat shop close by that had the same exact tire and rim we just blew out.
      Long story short, we were back on the road in about three hours after hubby repacked the hubs and disengaged the boat brakes.

      So being basically a brand new boat, we contacted the boat dealer we bought it from who told us to talk with the trailer people who told us to talk with the brake people 👿

      After submiting all of our expenses and the repair bill from the shop that ultimately replaced the boat brakes cause the siezed up and is what caused the tire to blow. So, new hubs, new brakes, new tire, new brake actuator. $600 later, we had to wait, and wait and wait for the brake people to get back to us.

      Not a good sign. In January, my husband called again and was finally told the warranty was void because the do hicky was bent and it wasn’t their fault 😈 and we were lucky cause they didn’t charge us for the parts…

      Well, I just couldn’t get over the injustice. I was livid and was to the point I was dwelling on it. So I wrote a letter to the warranty people stating they should back their product and not blame the little guy. Also let them know in the future, we would be sure everyone we knew would know about it and would specify none of this brand would be on thier trailer if the seller wanted to make a sale and they would be losing a lot more than the $600 that they saved by not backing their product!

      Then I got a call. The warranty manager was apologetic and we talked about what had happened.

      He and the others involved (Boat seller and trailer maker) gave me a refund for the cost of repairs. 😀

      And the best part is that since hubby didn’t think I could get them to pay us back, he said if I got a refund I could keep it!

      Now all I need is a Kirin test paint to come up on Ebay!!!

      The pen is truely mightier than the sword! I never called them names, yelled, or inferred I was being nasty. Just stated the fact of why it was not Mike’s fault and they honored the warranty!
      How cool is that???



          Ohh yay! Well done Phoenix ^_^ I love happy endings, lol.


            That’s awesome!


            I am so glad you let them know exactly how you felt by writing that letter. That is awesome you were reimburst.


              Isn’t it cool!
              I remember watching the movie Summer School, when Mark Harmon is making the kids write the letter to the sunglass company…

              I am rather surprised they sent the money back. So it’s a good lesson for everyone.


              Yep, it’s always good not to give up.

              Glad it worked out.



                Thats so awesome. I hope my situation turns out just as good. Sometimes David wins!


                  That is way cool. Persistence is always the key; a lot of people get screwed like that because they give up. Yes, it is a lot of trouble, it is frustrating, and because it’s frustrating, it’s difficult to stay polite. But persistence and being “professional” is the key.

                  Good for you, Phoenix!

                  Can’t wait to see what your persistence buys 😀

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    That’s wonderful!!! Just proves the old squeaky wheel maxim. 😉


                      Fantastic! Good on you for not caving!

                      twindragonsmum 😀



                      Good for you! Glad it worked out too!

                      My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


                        I am glad everything turned out well for you.

                        If anything like that ever happens again an email or letter to the Better Business Bureau if a sure fire way to get a quick response from the business involved.


                          Very cool. Finally one for the little guy. 😆

                          –These need some lovin’ too please. 🙂


                            Congrats and nice that you’re getting a new Windstone out of it! : -)

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