The OLD Ebay Cart Thread

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      OOOOOooooooOOOOOOooooooOOOOOOOO my aching credit card! I’m just getting my finances together a little bit and now this! Oh the torture, the torture! They are lovely–Poads, Griffins and I saw a baby Kirin–OOOOOooooOOOOOOOooooo–I wants but I have to watch the monies. Thanks though Pam–ya know, I really like being tortured like this so feel free–anytime, ya know?! 😈 XD


        LOL! 😆


          OMG! I LOVE those flapcats! The griffins are gorgeous too! *drool* I won’t be able to afford any of them though. I have to pay down the credit card this year. Have to!


          khat7 wrote:

          abatos wrote:

          Wow! Such spectacular pieces! I love those male unicorns and wolves especially. Thank you so much for sharing those photos!

          DITTO and also broke 😥 😥 😥

          Oh I so hear you there! *passes chocolates* I went past my spending limit for the council lamp :oops:.


          Ahh, the Rock Dragons! Especially the little one with his blue stripes. Now that’s tempting.


          That rock dragon is gorgeous, but I really like the black female ki-rin! She looks so alarmed and wide-eyed, like she’s embarrased to be caught without her horn 🙂

          Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


            Oooo i would love one of those wolves

            Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
            Follow for updates:


              eaglefeather831 wrote:

              In my lovely…lovely…but unreal dreams! …… I LOVE the sneak peak, but like I said-only in my dreams! lol

              *sigh* I hear that 🙁 . Still, very lovely….


                OH OH OH!!! PAM!!! I SEE my little red eyed Sitting Bengal Baby sitting WAAAAAAAAY in the back 😀

                Got a busted Windstone?
                *OPEN for repairs*

                *SEEKING GRAILS*
                Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                Siphlophis Male Dragon
                Calypso Hatching Empress
                Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                Tattoo Mother Kirin
                Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                  machineguts wrote:

                  Omg do want that second Savannah Male Griffin and Little Rock Dragon. 😮

                  BACK OFF MAN! THAT SECOND MALE GRIFFIN IS MINE! LOL! (as if! I couldn’t aford him but MAN he is WOW! I love him!!! *sighs*)

                  Put green eyes in him please so that I won’t like him as much…


                    Just as an fyi, there is a male/female savannah griffin pair not pictured, as well as a bunch of crouching cat CL’s.


                      O_O…O_O…will there be any more pics in this thread in the future?



                      Pam Thompson wrote:

                      Just as an fyi, there is a male/female savannah griffin pair not pictured, as well as a bunch of crouching cat CL’s.

                      Did Melody paint any Bengal crouching cat CL’s, or are there only sitting ones in that/those colors? :scratch:

                      Glad to hear there’s more savannah griffins–they’re gorgeous! 🙂


                        Yes, there is one in bengal.


                          Is that red eyed Grimalkin considered an autumn or a tabby grimalkin?

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