
The OLD Ebay Cart Thread

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  • #802713

      I love the sneak peeks!! 😀


      Pam Thompson wrote:

      Melody has asked me not to post pics here anymore of unfinished pieces because she says “people have been writing to her” saying they look really ugly without eyes, and she thinks they look stupid and worthless that way. I dont think she actually reads this thread, cus thats not the impression I got.


      What?! It’s been great seeing the pictures ahead of time – this is one of my favorite threads! It’s been really nice of you to post the pictures. Thank you for taking the time and effort to do so.

      I swear, it seems people will complain about anything – if you don’t like seeing unfinished pieces don’t click on the thread. Duh. And don’t ruin it for the rest of us.



        I LOVE the sneak peaks and it DOES NOT bother me to see the pieces without eyes.

        I’ll be very disappointed if the sneak peaks stop :negative:


          While I concede that some of the pieces do look a bit odd without eyes, I love seeing them ahead of their posting – it helps me plan my spending. Besides, it’s fun trying to guess what color they’ll end up with.

          P.S What happened to the reddish savannah chicks? I never saw them come up.


            The previews aren’t stopping, don’t worry. Its just an extra step I have to go through now before I put them up.

            And I don’t think anyone actually complained. Melody just takes some comments really serious I guess.


              I agree. I LOVE seeing the preview pics, with or without eyes. Yeah, the pieces without eyes may look a little weird without the eyes, but that is part of the whole creation process for these little beauties. It kind of feels the same as people who enjoy steak and hamburgers, but don’t realize just exactly how they are made/where they come from and just think they just magically appear in the grocery store all wrapped up in plastic wrap on a styrofoam slab in convenient little bundles. 😛 Like DDVM said, some people will always find something to complain about. If you don’t want to see a potential work in progress, then just don’t click on the thread. 😕

              Just read Pam’s response…. I’m glad to see pics will continue, though I do like seeing some of the in progress pics to, especially being an artist myself (even if not professionally) and do hope that we’ll be able to still see things in this regard. :yes:


                Well, if you go back far enough, Windstones are just made out of cave dirt. Think about it. Your Windstone used to be… cave dirt. Innocent, helpless, cave dirt. Which was then cruelly ripped from its natural habitat, butchered, ground up, and turned into hamburg–I mean Windstones.
                So the next time you buy a Windstone, remember to give thanks to the cave dirt gods.


                  Pam Thompson wrote:

                  Well, if you go back far enough, Windstones are just made out of cave dirt. Think about it. Your Windstone used to be… cave dirt. Innocent, helpless, cave dirt. Which was then cruelly ripped from its natural habitat, butchered, ground up, and turned into hamburg–I mean Windstones.
                  So the next time you buy a Windstone, remember to give thanks to the cave dirt gods.

                  😆 😆

                  Perhaps I should apologize to my Windstones for the abuse they’ve suffered. 😆

                  Glad to hear the sneak peeks are continuing, albeit with a little more labor on your end. Thanks again!


                    Cave dirt reincarnation! Only the chosen cave dirt would be so lucky. 😛


                      mmmmmm…. cave dirt goodness. :yum: 8)


                        The no-eyes thing notwithstanding, I enjoy the previews because your pics also allow us to see the sculpts in a different lighting, in a real environment, like tables and the likes, not just the ebay ones. To me, it means just another perspective and that’s great.

                        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                          Yersh – what they all said :yes: :yes: :yes:

                          twindragonsmum 🙂



                            I love seeing the previews, and I’m so glad to hear they will continue! This is also one of my favorite threads. 🙂


                              I LOOOVE the previews, and appreciate IMMENSELY the work you do when you prep them for us.

                              Thank you.

                              Windstone collector in remission. 😉


                                Like everyone else said thank you so much for the previews. We appreciate the extra work that you do to bring them to us. It’s fun to see what is coming up, and it helps us to plan what money we need to set aside for the pieces coming up.

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