The number of Poads

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody The number of Poads

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    Hi Melody,
    I was wondering….. im a little confused about the numbers of poads.

    Now correct me if i am wrong, they are limited to this site? and can only be brought in the store.

    The butternut one came out first then the blue butternut and now the lovely black one.

    How meny of each are made? The same amount in batches when ever you have time? I think i read somewhere that you painted 60 black ones, there there more or less of the butternuts around? When will you stop painting the butternuts in blue?
    Wow so many questions i just wanted it cleared up. Sorry to pester you melody!
    I think i will run off and buy a blue butternet poad later this evening. (Hope there are some in the store)

    Ooh and what colour/number poad is up next?



      Griffiness wrote:

      Hi Melody,
      I was wondering….. im a little confused about the numbers of poads.

      Now correct me if i am wrong, they are limited to this site? and can only be brought in the store.

      The butternut one came out first then the blue butternut and now the lovely black one.

      How meny of each are made? The same amount in batches when ever you have time? I think i read somewhere that you painted 60 black ones, there there more or less of the butternuts around? When will you stop painting the butternuts in blue?
      Wow so many questions i just wanted it cleared up. Sorry to pester you melody!
      I think i will run off and buy a blue butternet poad later this evening. (Hope there are some in the store)

      I amy not be right but I thought that I saw somewher that the last batch of the blue butternut poads is in the store now… 🙂



      woa, you have no idea how quickly i shot to the store to order one 😆


        Griffiness wrote:

        Hi Melody,
        I was wondering….. im a little confused about the numbers of poads.

        Now correct me if i am wrong, they are limited to this site? and can only be brought in the store.

        The butternut one came out first then the blue butternut and now the lovely black one.

        How meny of each are made? The same amount in batches when ever you have time? I think i read somewhere that you painted 60 black ones, there there more or less of the butternuts around? When will you stop painting the butternuts in blue?
        Wow so many questions i just wanted it cleared up. Sorry to pester you melody!
        I think i will run off and buy a blue butternet poad later this evening. (Hope there are some in the store)

        Ooh and what colour/number poad is up next?

        Poads are “limited production” right now. They are only available from us from this site, though we may offer them wholesale to stores in the future, and maybe try some on ebay, just for fun.

        I am trying to get a feel for the right number of these to make at a time. We sold around sixty of the first butternut colored ones, so that is how many I made of these. I want to make enough enough so that everyone who wants them can get them, but not have a ton of left overs around, taking up space. I mean, we aren’t exactly advertising these, only people on this forum are even aware of Poads(tm)! There is a small number of the metallic blue and butternut ones still left over, six or so of each, I think (last time I looked). When those are gone, I probably won’t be painting more for a long time, if ever.

        I don’t know what color is next. Mebbe the greenish one? Or the silver and white one?


        Thanks for taking the time to answer Melody 😀 Ive ordered the blue butternut. I am up for the green one next but i think the white is what alot of people want 8)


        Melody wrote:

        Griffiness wrote:

        Hi Melody,
        I was wondering….. im a little confused about the numbers of poads.

        Now correct me if i am wrong, they are limited to this site? and can only be brought in the store.

        The butternut one came out first then the blue butternut and now the lovely black one.

        How meny of each are made? The same amount in batches when ever you have time? I think i read somewhere that you painted 60 black ones, there there more or less of the butternuts around? When will you stop painting the butternuts in blue?
        Wow so many questions i just wanted it cleared up. Sorry to pester you melody!
        I think i will run off and buy a blue butternet poad later this evening. (Hope there are some in the store)

        Ooh and what colour/number poad is up next?

        Poads are “limited production” right now. They are only available from us from this site, though we may offer them wholesale to stores in the future, and maybe try some on ebay, just for fun.

        I am trying to get a feel for the right number of these to make at a time. We sold around sixty of the first butternut colored ones, so that is how many I made of these. I want to make enough enough so that everyone who wants them can get them, but not have a ton of left overs around, taking up space. I mean, we aren’t exactly advertising these, only people on this forum are even aware of Poads(tm)! There is a small number of the metallic blue and butternut ones still left over, six or so of each, I think (last time I looked). When those are gone, I probably won’t be painting more for a long time, if ever.

        I don’t know what color is next. Mebbe the greenish one? Or the silver and white one?

        OOO, silver and white with the darker blue eyes please?

        Heck, I’d even learn how to squeak for that one! 😀

        I do have a question– just got my lovely black/peacock poad today.. she ‘feels’ different than my first poad. I **like** the feel, as it is a nice matte feel that differentiates her from the other, but was wondering if there was a different process in painting this one? Is the black base color a different material thna the butternut? Or is it the irridescent color (my other is the first butternut, no irridesence to him) that makes it feel differently?


          Ohh I would go for the greenish one with green eyes…for sure 😆



            Nytetyger wrote:

            I do have a question– just got my lovely black/peacock poad today.. she ‘feels’ different than my first poad. I **like** the feel, as it is a nice matte feel that differentiates her from the other, but was wondering if there was a different process in painting this one? Is the black base color a different material thna the butternut? Or is it the irridescent color (my other is the first butternut, no irridesence to him) that makes it feel differently?

            That might be because they had to refinish them (the heat caused a problem with the first finish they put on them). Melody can answer for sure. This heat has been goofing us all up!

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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            The silver and white poad(tm), please!


              I would really like to get the white and silver Poad next, but I like them all. So, I’m not going to be picky! But, maybe we should start another poll for everyone to vote on the next color Poad that Melody should paint.

              Melody says that the all white one in the pizza pic… is actually off white, white pearly white spots. And it has green eyes. Sounds really pretty to me 😀



                I do have a question– just got my lovely black/peacock poad today.. she ‘feels’ different than my first poad. I **like** the feel, as it is a nice matte feel that differentiates her from the other, but was wondering if there was a different process in painting this one? Is the black base color a different material thna the butternut? Or is it the irridescent color (my other is the first butternut, no irridesence to him) that makes it feel differently?

                That is because of the temprature. When it is hot the finish and the paint go on differently, because they dry really fast. It has been VERY hot here!


                travistie wrote:

                I would really like to get the white and silver Poad next, but I like them all. So, I’m not going to be picky! But, maybe we should start another poll for everyone to vote on the next color Poad that Melody should paint.

                Melody says that the all white one in the pizza pic… is actually off white, white pearly white spots. And it has green eyes. Sounds really pretty to me 😀

                That’s an option, or she could make the second placed Poad – #4, the silver gray one.


                Melody wrote:


                I do have a question– just got my lovely black/peacock poad today.. she ‘feels’ different than my first poad. I **like** the feel, as it is a nice matte feel that differentiates her from the other, but was wondering if there was a different process in painting this one? Is the black base color a different material thna the butternut? Or is it the irridescent color (my other is the first butternut, no irridesence to him) that makes it feel differently?

                That is because of the temprature. When it is hot the finish and the paint go on differently, because they dry really fast. It has been VERY hot here!

                ::grin:: you’re preaching to the converted– I live in Costa Mesa, and am very glad we have AC. 😀

                Thanks for the reply– I love her slight texture. It makes her oddly ‘touchable’ 😀



                  Melody wrote:

                  Poads are “limited production” right now. They are only available from us from this site, though we may offer them wholesale to stores in the future, and maybe try some on ebay, just for fun.

                  Poads on Ebay…. now that would really get me into some trouble 😈 It would be interesting to see what kind of bidding activity they would bring though.

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