The Koi Dragon

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  • #532398

    Sorry, I’m only going to use my own forum links from now on. You don’t have to read the story (it’s cross-posted from the General Art section at Windstone), so scroll until you see pics.



      Ooo, that’s pretty neat.


      Glad you like it…I like your koi ki-rin.


        That is too cool!!! But sorry to break it to you, Water… thats a dragon. Yup. It is. 😛


          So pretty!


            Great idea!


            That dragon paint job is pretty neat, and the koi dragon is absolutely perfect, especially for what you were wanting. Nice.


            I am not yet sure if I will leave the koi dragon Tat that way yet but we’ll see. Glad you like the paint job though…I wasn’t sure how well that would really go over. I like it anyway.


            Well, it’s unusual and unique, for sure. It reminds me a lot of the er… I think it’s the fire dragon in the 2nd series of Todd McFarlane’s DRAGONS action figure line. Instead of koi, I first saw “volcanic ash” dragon in your paint job, which also struck me as a cool concept!


            I think I recall that McFarlan…wasn’t it a sea dragon of some kind? I should buy a couple of those to custom paint, lol, they are decent dragons.


            Yep, in each Series there was a Water dragon (some nicer than others), a Fire dragon (like the one I described–and own ;), a Berserker, a Komodo, an Eternal, and a Sorcerer/Wizard dragon. I think.

            Anyway yeah I have a few of them, and some are quite nice, detailed figures! Some of the paint jobs are disappointing though, and some have designs that make me think WTF?? 😯


              Watergazer wrote:

              I am not yet sure if I will leave the koi dragon Tat that way yet but we’ll see. Glad you like the paint job though…I wasn’t sure how well that would really go over. I like it anyway.

              Are you really thinking about painting over it? Its so unique and such a neat idea. I would hate to see him go 😥


              Oh no,m I won’t paint over the koi dragon windstone PYO I painted…I meant repaint a McFarlane toy dragon figure.


                Ah! Ok, Whew! I really like this guy.

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