
the Joy and the PAIN of Horses!

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    That’s a nice-looking Pinto, Shandi. What’s his name?


      My horse’s name is “Cowboy” silly name for a horse! but he came with it. I used to call him “Dragon” because if he wasn’t draggin’ his butt he was trying to fly. 🙂
      Cowboy was a challenge when I first got him. He had some serious bad manners. I went riding alone in a strange area and I was coming up across a field out of a ditch about to cross the road when he came up out of the ditch he began bucking, this is on hard road. He bucked and at the last buck I lost it and off I went into the road. I was wearing one of those claw clips in my hair and when I hit the road I hit butt first then bounced and hit my head and elbow on the road. The clip shattered and went into my head and punctured a artieral bleeder? broke my tail bone and and bone briused my elbow. I just layed there in the middle of the road afraid to move. A car stopped when they saw Cowboy come out bucking and watched me hit the asphalt. The man that was driving got out and came over to me I stood on shakey legs and he asked if I was okay I said yea can you help me get back on him and I turned to reach for Cowboy’s reins. The guy said lady your bleeding, I said I’ll be okay I just need to get on him. The guy grabbed my shoulder and spun me around and I was spraying blood out of my head! So his wife jumed out of the car and wrapped a baby diper around my head and asked me where I lived. Well we had just moved here and I was so disoriented I couldn’t remember where I lived. So they put me in their car and hubby stays with my horse and thier two year old little girl is sceaming at the blood I’m trying to tell her it’s okay. So after me making several mistakes on getting me home we arrive at my inlaws as my neice was coming out with her horse to find me. So they help me in the house and Beth my neice rides with the lady back to my horse. I stumbled into the kitchen and called my mother inlaw. I then put my head under the faucet to wash some of the blood off. I am still spraying blood at this point. ( now what you don’t know is my husband and I where living in a tent in my inlaws yard while waiting for our house to sell in Austin)
      So my husbands intire family show up and my MIL starts screaming and so they called my husband who was at the laundry mat washing clothes. So he throws all the sopping wet laundry in the car and rushed home. So off to the hospital where they tell hubby I need a blood transfusion and I said NO! (no insurance at that time) they did a cat scan of my whole body found the busted tail bone and luckly no skull fractures. At that time my hair was way past my hips. The doctor comes in and instead of doing a cosmetic hair cut she just hacked it. So then the wack job called doctor started squeezing the wound and yep I’m still spraying blood. The nurse comes in with numbs it stuff and the doctor didn’t use it! she stiched it up with no pain killer! So they send me home with blood caked in my hair. My husband and I get back to sister in laws house and they have locked us out! so I have to sleep in a tent covered in my own blood and a broke tail bone.
      The next morning hubby rents a hotel room and I have to soak my head wash, then soak some more, after about 2 hours we finally got all the blood out of my hair. I had just started my new job and so I went in Monday banged up and weak, I had the Vet check my sutures because one felt wierd. The Stupid doctor had sutured my hair not the dang wound!
      So long story short Cowboy has been nothing but a challange and I have learned never to let my guard down. On my birthday two years ago he threw me and broke my wrist and thumb. He never leaves me after I go off, he almost looks a little shocked when I hit the ground. I have had him 4 years and he’s now 15 years old. I have become a better rider and he has become a better horse but I will NEVER put one of those clips in my hair and I will never ride with out my helment! I get made fun of by the cowboys out here I ride with but I will not risk my head again!


        Yikes! @ that story Shandi! 😯


          That horse is beautiful and smart and all the dogs look great and they all look spoiled but that’s what pets are for.


            😯 😯 😯 what a story!! Ouch! 😯 😯 😯


            That is quite the story! I’m amazed you get back onto these horses!!

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