The humane cage might not have been such a good idea

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    That’s hilarious! At least you guys didn’t get sprayed during the release. My dog Holly found an infant skunk once, the poor terrified thing doused her good.

    Unfortunately I wasn’t able to save him, his mother was apparently hit by a car, and Holly found him a few days after he lost her, so he was terribly weak and dehydrated and died before I could do anything to help him. Holly didn’t hurt him though, exposure was the killer.

    From what I know of skunks, spraying is an absolute last resort…they really would rather not have to.



      Kyrin wrote:

      From what I know of skunks, spraying is an absolute last resort…they really would rather not have to.

      Yup. Skunks take a while to ‘restock’ the oil that they keep in that little gland that stores it, and it can take time. Only a tiny bit is used, but MAN is it strong! You can smell it from a mile away. Snakes are the same way with their venom. They only have a few attacks (10 I think) before they run out, so they don’t like to use it unless they have to (threatened, to get prey, etc.).

      I’m glad you didn’t get sprayed and the skunk found a happy ending. Skunks are so cute! If you do, I believe banking soda and vinegar(I think) are the best thing you can use, like if a pet gets sprayed. Tomato juice works, but takes several attempts and is far messier! I jumped over one once (I was running at night across my college campus, the skunk had almost no stripping, save a tiny bit that I didn’t notice). Didn’t see him until he was almost under foot and I jumped at the last second. It saw me, I saw it (as I turned around) and we both ran in opposite directions! Luckily, no spray *phew* Definitely wakes you up at 11:30pm 😆


        I got sprayed last month.. My dog grabbed a giant adult skunk and did that “shake to death” thing. She dropped it and I thought it was dead because my dog had attacked it so fiercely. Apparently not. It jumped back up, sprayed us, and then chased both me and my dog down thr road for about 20 or 30 yards. That was a fun night…


          I have smelled Skunk but NEVER been actually sprayed and hope that will never change


          I’ve never been sprayed. But, I did have a cat that had to be kept on leash (don’t ask very long story.) I took him out one night and he was trying to go after something. I thought it was a black squirel, nope just had to be a skunk with just a tip of white on the tail.

          Funny enough, I’ve been told that crest toothpaste works. But, only crest no other toothpaste has whatever chemical that works. Tomato soup dosn’t work. Really, it’s just a wives tale. All you’ll get is stains. And a funky tomato skunky smell. 😆 Puroxide and baking soda does work though. Honestly skip the mess, get “Knok Out” or “Get the odor out”. They both work the best I’ve found. 😉


            The skunk that my dog got sprayed me on the leg. I got rid of the smell by spraying the spot with deodarent(sp?) and citrus odor killer.

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