The funny papers

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      Opus is totally my favorite….

      Bill and his hairballs are so funny…

      at one of my jobs they had me draw Opus and Bill on posters for department functions…

      (don’t tell…I’d be in so much trouble)


      Rusti wrote:

      Wow, I’m surprised nobody likes Zits!

      Calvin and Hobbes goes without saying, but I can totally relate to Zits. I remember doing stuff like that at 15…

      Oh yeah, Zits! Those can be pretty funny, too – and I like Garfield. Shows how irritating cats are. 😀


        This is funny, especially for Calvin and Hobbs fans.


        My favorites are “Dilbert” (its so accurate!) and “For Better or For Worse” (funny yet touching a lot of the time).


          Melody wrote:

          Nirvanacat13 wrote:

          Calvin and Hobbes FOREVER!!!!!

          I always related so well, to both of them…..I also tried quite a bit of the stuff they did, not telling which stunts tho 😉…like pounding nails in the coffee table?

          Shoosh you! ROFLMAO….and it wasn’t the coffee table…it was the dining room chairs……


            Ooooh! Zits! And Non Sequiter! And Opus! But I digress, C&H Still rules all! 😈 Anyone ever read or watch Asterix and Obelisk?


            Yes ❗ Asterix and Obelix are the best European comics ever. They-re hilarious, on every single page – as good in German as in the original French. The English loses a lot.


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Rusti wrote:

            Wow, I’m surprised nobody likes Zits!

            Calvin and Hobbes goes without saying, but I can totally relate to Zits. I remember doing stuff like that at 15…

            Oh yeah, Zits! Those can be pretty funny, too – and I like Garfield. Shows how irritating cats are. 😀


            I can’t relate to Zits at ALL… but I guess it’s kind of funny sometimes.

            Non Sequitur is good, too.

            But.. but… What’s this I hear about For Better or For Worse RETIRING?? What? Noooo! That would be horrible!


              It’s retiring??? Oh, noooo!!!


                yes, there was an article in the paper about it. She said she will run old comics with new parts. Like looking in a photo albulm of memories.


                wolflodge100 wrote:

                yes, there was an article in the paper about it. She said she will run old comics with new parts. Like looking in a photo albulm of memories.

                Noooo! But but… Michael just got his book published and Elizabeth still hasn’t married Anthony! We need more than just a photo albulm here. Noo. First Bill Amend, now this…


                  Well, it’s not right away, hopefuly she will tie up the loose ends first.


                    Peanuts . I’ve always loved Snoopy . He’s been my faverite sense childhood and I have the cartoons on dvd too .

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