The funny papers

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      What is your favorite comic in the newspaper?
      Why is it your favorite?

      My favorites that are being printed now: (of course, of the dead ones, “Far Side” and “Calvin and Hobbs” were the greatest, but that goes without saying…) are “Doonesbury”, “For Better or Worse”, “Opus”, and one nobody has heard of.. “Dinette Set”.



          Calvin and Hobbes FOREVER!!!!!

          I always related so well, to both of them…..I also tried quite a bit of the stuff they did, not telling which stunts tho 😉


          Calvin and Hobbes were and are the best comic strip ever! We don’t do comic strips over here too much, but one of my favorites is “Zürich by Mike.” It’s a strip about the little quirks of the Zürichers, drawn by some English-speaking guy (Australian I think, but I can’t remember) who’s lived here for years.
          I don’t know the American strips enough to choose favorites.


            Man I haven’t read the comics since I stopped working at the newspaper in Sept. 2003. The comics page was one of my favorites to build. It took less than 10 minutes. I’ve always been partial to Garfield, but that could be due to the fact he premiered right around the time I was born in June 1978 so we are the same age.


              yeah , I generally really like Garfield . The website is funny too.


                Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                Calvin and Hobbes FOREVER!!!!!

                I always related so well, to both of them…..I also tried quite a bit of the stuff they did, not telling which stunts tho 😉…like pounding nails in the coffee table?


                  Garfield and Calvin and Hobbs are the best. There is also the Family Circus. I love that one, too. Gives me warm fuzzies sometimes.


                  I haven’t read the comics in a while either. But I did always enjoy Garfield.


                    I like these. They were floating around the office this winter and gave me a good laugh.


                      Melody wrote:

                      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                      Calvin and Hobbes FOREVER!!!!!

                      I always related so well, to both of them…..I also tried quite a bit of the stuff they did, not telling which stunts tho 😉…like pounding nails in the coffee table?

                      Is that a trick question?

                      I have all the Calvin & Hobbes books. The coffee table nails is a classic here. We’re still investigating the noodle incident.

                      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                        I have to have my Garfield and my Peanuts comic strip once a day!


                        My favorites that are running now are 9 Chickweed Lane, For Better Or For Worse, Get Fuzzy, and Pearls Before Swine. That last one is hilarious.

                        I’m suffering withdrawal from the fact that Bill Amend quit drawing weekday Foxtrots.


                          Wow, I’m surprised nobody likes Zits!

                          Calvin and Hobbes goes without saying, but I can totally relate to Zits. I remember doing stuff like that at 15…


                            I like for better or worse but she is retiring! Garfield was better when it first came out but it still has good ones now and then. Our paper also has a far side type comic called rubes and it is good. Oh yeah and Zits because I have a 16 year old so I can relate 😀

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