The Dinosaurs…

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    O.K. my triceratops was getting lonely so I got a friend for em…

    I was wondering, the stegosaurus, is it very hard to find? I lost one to a sniper on eBay. I was sad and it was so cute. I think it really wanted to go home with me. 😆


      hardwired wrote:

      O.K. my triceratops was getting lonely so I got a friend for em…

      I was wondering, the stegosaurus, is it very hard to find? I lost one to a sniper on eBay. I was sad and it was so cute. I think it really wanted to go home with me. 😆That is hard to answer….I’d say yes, it is hard to find! But not impossible.
      The triceratops and steg. are both somewhat rare. I think we made nearly the same amount of both of them.
      There are two paint versions of these dinosaurs: The original ones are very rare. They were painted a natural brown color.
      The later versions have light cream colored legs and bellies and have some interference paint on their sides. These are the only ones I have seen on Ebay so far.


      Thank you for the answer! I saw one not in the egg steg. with interference paint. It looked like an older sibling and I bid on that one too. I didn’t get it though. Apparently they are very popular. I didn’t go overboard because I had to save my money for the metallic poads! Are there any pictures in the galleries of the brown versions? The egg version is all I have so far. I would love to see what the original looks like. 😆


        hardwired wrote:

        Thank you for the answer! I saw one not in the egg steg. with interference paint. It looked like an older sibling and I bid on that one too. I didn’t get it though. Apparently they are very popular. I didn’t go overboard because I had to save my money for the metallic poads! Are there any pictures in the galleries of the brown versions? The egg version is all I have so far. I would love to see what the original looks like. 😆

        We don’t have a pic of those old dinos on our website yet. I was just checking the Astral Castle Encyclopedia, they dont have a picture of any either! I’ll try to find something, we must have photos somewhere…


          someone posted a picture of one of the first groups with the wolf and cats…it had the small dinosaurs on it…

          I think vantid put it on live journal…


            I just cropped the dinos out of the same pic and put it up in my gallery.


              I’ve got the newer dino (stegosauras) with the interference paint. Once I can find my camera, I’ll take a picture


                I’ve got that one too.

                I only (sheesh, only!) need the:
                Hatching T-Rex
                Hatching Velociraptor
                Hatching Maiasaurus

                to complete my dinosaur collection. 😀


                I have the hatching triceratops and as soon as it gets here the Maiasaurus. Those originals are amazing. They look just like I picture them in my mind as far as coloring. They look like they could just blend in with the background and disappear.


                O.K., because I have to ask, was there ever a big velociraptor?


                  No. Just the hatching.

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