The Dark Crystal 2

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      I don’t know if anyones posted about this or not yet but it’s offical there will be a new Dark Crystal coming out in 2008 it’s call The Power of the Dark Crystal. No offical site yet but Brian Froud is doing the artwork again & the preduction art looks really cool. Store line sounds neat too.



          I’d heard about it. I really hope they do a good job of it! While sometimes it’s annoying that movie makers can’t seem to do anything new these days, it is nice to see old favorites revived, especially when they stick to the spirit of the original.


          Oooh, no, hadn’t heard of that myself. That’s exciting! If it’s done well… ¬_¬


          Ooo, I love the dark crystal. I can’t wait.


          I hope they don’t ruin it. The original Dark Crystal is awesome.


            I hope they do I good job too. They are sticking to the same feel with the same artist but the backgrounds will be cgi so I hope they don’t go overboard with it. Lisa Henson is heading it up and the puppets look really great.


              I also hope they do not RUIN it! The original is GREAT.


              I am sooooooooooooo excited about it and I hope it’s better than the manga sequel to Labyrinth that I bought the first book to and was a little underwhelmed by the art and the plot. Then again, I have the bar set so high for anything Jim Henson or Brian Froud related LOL


              Outing myself as an ignoramus again, but what is Dark Crystal?



              Awsome bit of muppet work from the late great jim henson


              Thanks, ruff. It looks neat. I wonder whether 2 will be released here?


                I have not seen the Dark Crystal in YEARS!! I need to find it and Legend


                I own those old ones: Legend, Labryinth, Neverending Story (I&II). Those are great!


                  I know I have Never Ending Story 2 on DVD but can’t remember if I have the 1st one. I do not have Labrynth or Legend. It sounds like I need to get some movies!!

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