The confusing "Not Finished" emails

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        Please note that the shopping cart sends out a “not finished” message when your order is first placed – and that sometimes you won’t receive this message until after you recieve a “processed” message or one from Paypal telling you that your payment went through. I apologize for this bit of confusion – if you get a “processed” message or a Paypay receipt for your payment, the order did go through correctly and was “finished” – there is no need for you to do anything else. The message was just received out of order.

        HOWEVER, If your Paypal transaction is disrupted or doesn’t go through while you are placing your order, I will still receive your order as “not finished” (and you will receive the “not finished” message but no “processed” message or receipt for your payment). In this case the order is truely “not finished” and I will email you a response to negotiate payment of it. Merchandise is deducted from our inventory for your order even if the order is “not finished” so don’t fret if you’ve ordered the last item we have in stock and the payment doesn’t go through correctly – I will contact you regarding it. If your “not finished” message is important, you will receive an email from me regarding it.


        ???!!!???…..What? 😕


          This is an old topic… please note the date!!

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            Bowhead Whale wrote:

            ???!!!???…..What? 😕

            This may be an old topic but it is still apt – nothing has changed. If you order something in the store & receive a “not finished” email from the store, this will all make sense! (I’m rather glad it got bumped up, thanks!)

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