The Blue Ribbon Curlie is here!

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    He’s HERE!! Whoooo HOOO! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ *Hopping around on one leg, waving a crutch*

    I’m very happy to announce that he finally arrived, and he….is…..STUNNING in real life. Thank you SO much Machineguts!! I <3 <3 <3 him. ^-^
    I will have my husband take some photos for me and I’ll post them this weekend.
    Of course, I didn’t let George know that I, ummm… in the car and went to the post office to get the package; 😳 I’m not supposed to drive with the cast on, (right leg–gas and brake pedal leg) but all bets are off when it comes to Windstones. πŸ˜€ I discovered I can drive by using my big toe on the pedals. George thinks I got my friend, Jean to drive me….. 😳
    Gotta get back to taking down our Christmas tree. It’s driving me crackers, and has to go. πŸ™„


      Yippie for you πŸ™‚ bad bad for driving but completly understandable πŸ˜† I am soooo jealous um… I mean happy for you 😳 just kidding (kinda) πŸ˜€ Hope you get outta that cast soon I know how that feels. ((hugs))


      Congrats again on winning it! πŸ˜€ I hope it brings you lots of delight.

      Take care of that leg now, you hear? πŸ˜‰


        tasgrs wrote:

        Of course, I didn’t let George know that I, ummm… in the car and went to the post office to get the package; 😳 I’m not supposed to drive with the cast on, (right leg–gas and brake pedal leg) but all bets are off when it comes to Windstones. πŸ˜€ I discovered I can drive by using my big toe on the pedals. George thinks I got my friend, Jean to drive me….. 😳

        BAD TAS! If you got into an accident… Bad, bad tas! That being said, congrats again!


          Glad you got it—gald nothing happened when you um, drove there when ya shouldn’t have, but I probably would have done the same thing! So glad he’s giving you some pleasure! πŸ˜€


            I’d say “Bad Girl!!” :spank: But I would probably have done the same thing. πŸ˜€


              Wow, I’m glad you got it safely lol! πŸ˜€


              BAD Tasgers!

              I totally woulda done the same thing…. 😳


                Congratulations tasgrs. Enjoy your little beauty. About the driving, glad that you are still in one piece. πŸ˜† I am not sure if I would have done the same, but I would have thrown one heck of a temper tantrum until someone took me. πŸ˜€ 😳


                  ghostndragon wrote:

                  tasgrs wrote:

                  Of course, I didn’t let George know that I, ummm… in the car and went to the post office to get the package; 😳 I’m not supposed to drive with the cast on, (right leg–gas and brake pedal leg) but all bets are off when it comes to Windstones. πŸ˜€ I discovered I can drive by using my big toe on the pedals. George thinks I got my friend, Jean to drive me….. 😳

                  BAD TAS! If you got into an accident… Bad, bad tas! That being said, congrats again!

                  I’m REALLY good at driving while casted on the either leg… If you need lessons I’ll be glad to help! πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                  twindragonsmum πŸ˜†



                    Glad it got there okay! Can’t wait to see the photos πŸ™‚


                    Congratulations! I can’t wait to see some photos too! πŸ™‚


                    So I finally remember to tell George I need my camera and that he needs to take some pictures for me. He finds my camera, goes to turn it on, and nothing happens….the batteries are stone cold dead. So I tell him to give me 2 new batteries. He says “New batteries? We don’t have any.” I said there was a whole package here….right……before…. :shrug: ……Christmas. *sigh* You used them all for Ian’s (grandson) Christmas toys, didn’t you? πŸ™„ Of course he did.

                    I’m hoping he remembers to bring home some new ones. Until then, bear with me, guys; I’m trying to get those photos. 😳


                    twindragonsmum wrote:

                    I’m REALLY good at driving while casted on the either leg… If you need lessons I’ll be glad to help! πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                    twindragonsmum πŸ˜†

                    LOL! πŸ˜† Congrats, Tas; I’m waiting for those pics too!

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