The Black Golden Wolf REVISED

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone The Black Golden Wolf REVISED

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  • #489357


    It’s perfect now.
    I took the same sculpture and blended rather than drybrushed.


      Much better! Did you try drybrushing again?


        Nevermind. Sometimes I react and then read…
        It looks great.
        So that’s the same sculpt? I like that you made the face more black.


          I like it! Much better!


          Same sculpture, but reworked in just about every area. I did do some drybrushing on the chest area again, which worked fine, but the rest got blended up again like my usual wolves.


          I like that very much. Burnt sugar wolf! No wait, browned-butter wolf! Mmmm… now, why do I see food in these things? Makes me think of late autumn too (leaves in the later stages of decay, well aged and rich and earthy).

          It’s not such a bad thing that you can’t get your drybrushing to work. Your usual style is dramatic and unique and very appealing.


          Oh, that is very nice. I am glad you saved it.


          Much better. It looks much more real, not so blotchy anymore. Really nice.

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