The BIG Grab Bag Unicorn Selling, Buying and Trading Thread!

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      Since part of the idea of the grab bag pieces is to be a fun collectible that is a fun surprise in a box, it is great that our community then likes to trade and swap and buy from each other!

      Unfortunately, because there are so many that come out all at the same time, this can make a lot of threads, and can unintentionally bury threads for other items.

      So: If you want to buy or sell your grab bag unicorn, please post here in THIS thread!

      If you are looking to TRADE ONLY please see the TRADE & SWAP forum for a similar thread!!


      – If you are wanting to buy, sell (and/or trade) your grab bag unicorn, please post here. Consider posting a photo if you can. Be clear on if you are looking to buy, looking to sell, or looking to sell OR trade (what are you trading for)?

      – PLEASE keep discussion to a minimum!! While they are nice, please don’t post “Oh I love that one! So cute!” type comments. We want to keep this to open sales /want to buy / andor trade posts only, please.

      – If you sell your piece, or if you are able to buy the one you are looking for, PLEASE edit your post and say so.

      With no disrespect meant, ‘chatty’ posts (those that are not directly related to buying, selling or trading) will be removed to keep the thread clean. If you accidentally double post– don’t worry, it happens to all of us sometimes, and I’ll get it for you. 🙂

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        Thanks Jennifer!

        I’ll have a go–I don’t have too high of hopes of getting one of the 25 who have yet to be restocked, so if anyone is feeling like selling one of theirs I would be happy to buy one!

        I like lots of pieces, except pinto ones, so if you have a solid or an appy that you don’t like I would love to hear from ya. 😉


          I’m hoping to buy or trade for this little guy. I’d consider other duns or buckskins as well, but this one is my first choice.



            I missed them, so if anyone has a little red or black blanket appy they want to sell, I’d be interested.


              Interested in either of these three unis, if anyone’s thinking of selling them. Also just noticed the fuzzie in the picture!


              "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
              -J R R Tolkien


                I’m looking to get one of the little black and white guys (Circled in blue). I have the little one that’s circled in yellow, that I might consider trading/selling.

                The little fellow I have! He does have quite a bit of that blueish/purplish interfacing. Basically if he is in any kind of light you will notice the sheen from it. He has a light purple gem and his eyes are dark blue (darker than these pictures make them look).


                The one I want MOST is this little grey striped one.

                I would prefer to buy it, but would also trade for another Baby Uni. I´m still waiting for my babies to arrive so at the moment I don´t know which one will be for trade. I will update this post as soon as I know 🙂


                  I would really like to have the little red eyed one with the white face!!
                  Am willing to pay a little somethin’ extra or even up-trade something more valuable if I have something you like better. <3

                  Thanks for starting this thread, Jennifer!!


                    Looking to buy any palomino pintos!


                      Please bare with me. I am not computer savvy plus I have to use my phone because my actual computer is down at the moment. I would like to post pictures but there isn’t an “img” option??
                      I’ll post the link and see what happens. I have plans in getting better pics as well but for now, the pics were taken inside ( it’s raining) and they are not great pics to begin with so here goes….

                      WTT GB baby for a GB Baby from this last “fantasy batch”
                      I’m assuming these are on the low priority list but thought I’d try.
                      GB 1 is a bay and white paint with brown eyes and GB 2 is a palomino with brown eyes.
                      I am hoping to trade for anything black, gray, silver, or spotty like an app. In addition to the colors I’d prefer, I’m also looking for these with blue eyes, or eye colIRS other than brown. Just got these two today 🙂
                      These are my first gb uni’s ever and am very happy to have them but if I can trade one or both for the other colors, I’d really be excited! I’m not crazy about paints in general unless they are black and white w/ blue eyes. Palomino is another one I’m not crazy about but prefer it to the paint. If it had blue eyes, I’d be keeping it though and just trading the paint. Thanks and I hope I’ve got the one you want 🙂
                      There are 14 pics total in that album. One uni is my friend Judy’s. She didn’t want to trade but I would have loved hers! She has no computer access so all of these guys were taken while I was with her today. The black and white is not for sale or trade :(. Would have gotten him myself otherwise.






                      I would be interested in buying a bay foal with a white stripe down the face and white stockings – I.e. an unicorn foal that looks like a Clydesdale. Thanks.


                        Looking to buy solid colored GB babies, any color (buckskins, bays, palominos, chestnuts, greys, etc.) provided I like the particular shade. 🙂


                          The dark chesnut baby unicorn has been sold.. Thank You


                          WTB red baby unicorn from the fantasy-colored batch. I’m no longer trading my GB unicorns because they’ve acquired names, Lawrence and Holo(though she doesn’t have red eyes /sigh), which makes them part of my Windstone family. Will pay slightly over store price for a red baby unicorn. I only use paypal. Thanks much 🙂

                          Wampus Dragon

                            Brandon asked me to post this baby for him. He’s looking to trade for a baby with lots of blue interference or an appaloosa.

                            EDIT: Or he will trade for a bay, black and white pinto. ( A tricolor pinto)

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