Thanksgiving plans

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      Tintaglia wrote:

      I usually find a new turkey recipe to try, but this year I’m just going to relax and watch tv, maybe play computer games. I don’t have any nearby relatives, so it’s just me and the dog.

      well at least you have us!!


      Dragon Master wrote:

      well at least you have us!!

      Thanks! 😀


      lamortefille wrote:

      GB do you like (or have you even heard of) Craisins? They are dried cranberries. Yummy! I doubt if I could ship you any other kind of cranberries…too bad because it’s a local crop around here.

      Actually, we do! I just didn’t know they were called Craisins. (It makes sense, of course.) We can get dried cranberries here, but it’s hard to find frozen or canned cranberries. We have Preiselbeeren, but they’re not quite the same. Good, though!


      skigod377 wrote:

      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      We always do the whole shabang, with turkey, cranberries – I love cranberries, and they’re so hard to come by over here – and any accoutrements Mom comes up with. (Yes, she’s stuck doing all the cooking for it.) This year we’ll have a befriended American family over, and they’re bringing sweet potatoes, another thing you can’t really get over here. 😀

      They come in a can, girl! I’ll send you some 😆 😉 😛

      Canned sweet potatoes? Really? I’ve never seen that.


        lamortefille wrote:

        skigod377 wrote:

        Wingers has a salad that comes with sticky fingers and craisins. Its wonderful!! I have never tried craisins on anything else, though.

        What is Wingers? A restaurant? I’ve never tried them on a salad. It sounds good. I just eat them right out of the bag.Yes, its a restaurant. 🙂


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          We have Preiselbeeren, but they’re not quite the same. Good, though!

          Preselbeeren? Elvis’s own brand of cranberry flavored beer?

          I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
          Engaged to a Weasel


            I’m going to Johnny and Melodie’s house today for Thanksgiving and the traditional shooting of a turkey out of a cannon…OK I made that up…but wouldn’t it be cool? The best way to plauck and heat a turkey at the same time! 😈

            I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
            Engaged to a Weasel


              😆 You should be a writer.


                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                skigod377 wrote:

                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                We always do the whole shabang, with turkey, cranberries – I love cranberries, and they’re so hard to come by over here – and any accoutrements Mom comes up with. (Yes, she’s stuck doing all the cooking for it.) This year we’ll have a befriended American family over, and they’re bringing sweet potatoes, another thing you can’t really get over here. 😀

                They come in a can, girl! I’ll send you some 😆 😉 😛

                Canned sweet potatoes? Really? I’ve never seen that.Well, I guess technically, they are called yams, but thats the same thing, pretty much, right?


                Ah, yams. Yes, I have heard of yams. 😆


                  Yesterday was a bit of a nightmare! 😆 I am visitng my parents and for some reason it’s always happened that the entire family comes over here for holidays, much to mom’s dismay! So we have to super clean the house and do all the cooking and clean up afterward. Well we found out last minute that one of my cousins was bringing his new girlfriend and she had some young kids with ADHD. We had to put everything valuable away and hide the electronics! Most people use the term ADHD so loosely these days we figured they (the kids) would just be a little rambunctious. BOY WERE WE WRONG! It was like a tornado hit the house. I feel bad for their mother!! It was a long day and when everyone left around 10pm we had to get into the rum to relax!! 😆

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                    Poor Nam!! 😯 😯 I don’t understand how people can just invite themselves over without asking first. That is just totally rude to me.


                      Jasmine wrote:

                      Poor Nam!! 😯 😯 I don’t understand how people can just invite themselves over without asking first. That is just totally rude to me.

                      Me too. Sorry it was so hectic.


                        Makes you wanna just have the dinner in the backyard, hu? Let them tear up the grass. Hope everthing survived!!


                        Glad you survived, Nam!

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