Thanks Johns Hopkins >:( for the exposure (rant)

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    Well said, Barrdwing! You have an eloquence with words. πŸ™‚ We’ve got a lot of Canadians and Europeans on this forum; I’m sure they could weigh in about their health care systems.


      Yay for the good news!!!!! πŸ˜€


      tomorrow i have to head to Hopkins again ( im a glutton for punnishment) i have to see my ENT to see when i will be getting surgery on my sinus. I am actually excited to get the surgery they are going to try an kill off a bunch of bacteria so it wont invate my lungs and i should breathe better from my nose. I just hope i dont come home with Leprosy this time 😯


        Good luck with that!! 😯 πŸ˜†


          Hope all goes well in the sinus department. My hubby had his ‘cleaned out’ a few years ago and it made a world of difference with sinus infections and sleep apnea. Good luck!

          twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



          Wishing you luck!


            Yes, good luck!


              Yes, good luck! I’m relieved for you that the bloodwork came back ok…but still steamed you had to go through that in the first place, and then the horrendous WAIT! waiting can be the worst part. Take care and keep us informed. πŸ™‚


              i finnished my docs appointment and the ent says i dont need surgery, my problems are all to find a drug that works


                Yea for the good news! I hope you find a good allergy med that works.


                  Allergies are easier to deal with than surgery *in my oppinion* Glad it’s not a major deal too fix πŸ˜€

                  twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



                  Necron99 wrote:

                  tomorrow i have to head to Hopkins again ( im a glutton for punnishment) i have to see my ENT to see when i will be getting surgery on my sinus. I am actually excited to get the surgery they are going to try an kill off a bunch of bacteria so it wont invate my lungs and i should breathe better from my nose. I just hope i dont come home with Leprosy this time 😯

                  HOLY CRAP!!! You’re getting more prosaic with what you can possibly come home with! πŸ˜†
                  Good luck! You need a good luck elf on your side! πŸ˜‰ Something has got to get better for you, besides it can’t rain all the time! πŸ˜€ (Besides, I would REALLY miss your dark, twisted sense of humor. πŸ˜† It reminds me of me alot of the time.)

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