Thanks Johns Hopkins >:( for the exposure (rant)

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    i got a call today from my transplant cordinator , and she tells me that when i had my bronchoscopy in March that i may have been exposed to a new form of pneumonia that i have never had before. How did this happen ; the bronchiscope had a tear in the rubber allowing bacteria in , and it showed up in mine an a couple others cultures …this is friggin May and i just find out 😡 . She told me i will be getting a letter in the mail from endoscopy telling me exactly what i have been exposed to and if there is anything else . I am pissed off now , if there was somthing eles is it contegious , can i spread it to my family …will it kill me seeing as how my immune system has been suppressed for over 8 months now . I swear if i catch somthing Hopkins will be my man servent for life . As soon as i get the letter i will keep you all informed ..or not if this type of thing bores you 😕



      Yikes! That’s scary. I hope things turn out alright.


        😯 I hope everything turns out okay!


          I hope this is a false alarm!!! 😯


            Talk about ‘on top of things’ *cough*. Seriously, what were they thinking just letting you know now? Someone messed up in the chain or they are backlogged more than they should be. Do keep us posted! *sends good health vibes*


            That’s absolutely brutal D:


              Oh I would own the person as well! Oh Hell No…

              I hope everything turns out okay. WOW! 😯


              That’s not good, the upside is that you may have been exposed in March, and it is May and you haven’t gotten sick. So there is a good chance you dodged that one. As for contagious or not, both Laurie and Alyssa have strong uncompromised immune systems, and Alyssa is getting breast milk, so the likelihood of either becoming seriously ill is pretty slim.

              So don’t sweat it too much, they have to tell you about the possible exposure, and yes, you have a right to be upset, but I think that considering how long it has been, you’re probably fine. I would definately insist on all new tubes, etc for your next biopsy though. Managing to avoid a contagion once is lucky, doing it twice isn’t as likely to happen.

              I’m glad they told you, even if it is upsetting…it shows that they are taking responsibility. A lot of hospitals “forget” to tell their patients when something like this happens.

              Keep us updated.




                I wish you could just recover. 🙁 It just seems like you keep getting hit with one thing after another. I hope everything turns out ok.


                Kyrin wrote:

                That’s not good, the upside is that you may have been exposed in March, and it is May and you haven’t gotten sick. So there is a good chance you dodged that one. As for contagious or not, both Laurie and Alyssa have strong uncompromised immune systems, and Alyssa is getting breast milk, so the likelihood of either becoming seriously ill is pretty slim.

                So don’t sweat it too much, they have to tell you about the possible exposure, and yes, you have a right to be upset, but I think that considering how long it has been, you’re probably fine. I would definately insist on all new tubes, etc for your next biopsy though. Managing to avoid a contagion once is lucky, doing it twice isn’t as likely to happen.

                I’m glad they told you, even if it is upsetting…it shows that they are taking responsibility. A lot of hospitals “forget” to tell their patients when something like this happens.

                Keep us updated.



                i wasnt worried about them catching a pneumonia , more on the lines of a hepititus of god forbid HIV from the scope ..they have a huge HIV clinic there since one in every 7 black males in baltimore has HIV . I will find out more in a few days … on another note this is the second time this has happened at Hopkins , it happened in 2001 and two people died . thanks for all your well wishes i will kepp every one up to date


                Good luck. I hope since it was back in March if there was going to be a problem it would have shown up by now so hopefully you are in the clear. Can you get an appointment to talk to someone about this face to face?

                Please keep us posted.


                They had better not have exposed you to HIV or Hepatitis! After all you’ve been through, and finally being healthy and able to breathe and do things again, I’ll be furious if they’ve exposed you to those. Your health is compromised enough just being a transplant without adding anything else.

                You’ve got a new lease on life, if they have managed to screw it up, definately put heads on platters! I’ll help! I thought pneumonia was the only threat here, now I’m worried.



                  Me too. 🙁


                    Thats terrible! I hope everything is ok. 🙁

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