Thank you Windstone Tech's, Staff and of course Melody !

Home Forums Miscellany Community Thank you Windstone Tech's, Staff and of course Melody !

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  • #503501

      I just wanted to express my thanks to you. I’ve been having log in issues for a while now. I’ve tried the requesting new passwords and so on and so on to no avail. I was getting frustrated because, I’m usualy pretty good at trouble shooting. I had read all the posts with the forum issues and decided to contact the tech’s by email. I’m finaly able to log on and so far so good.
      I’m sure a lot of other people have had similar problems that have been resolved and I just figured this is a nice way to express our thanks for the extra time and effort they put in to helping us out and making this fourm such a nice place for us. 🙂


        Yeah you are not the only one who went thru that . I’m one of them . Toke me a bit of trying to figure it out . Me and electrontics do not go together . If it isn’t very simple … ugh .
        Glad to you got back on .

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