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      Black Mother Unicorn arrived just now: Expertly packed and in mint condition! Thank you Romeodanny πŸ˜€


      Yay! I’m so happy that people have them safe and sound. I’ve only a few left to box up. Unfortunatly, I’ve run out of packing chips, and I’m just about out of bubblewrap. (So far not including the bubblewrap I had before this I’ve gone through 300 feet of bubblewrap. And about 12 cubic feet of packing chips.) 😯

      I’m now resorting to paper, and I’ve wrapped the emperor in a semi heavy throw. I’ll still wrap him in bubblewrap but, wow, I don’t think I can afford much more of any packing materials. πŸ˜•

      Well, an update so sorts. I’ve mentioned that I’m going away this weekend. I’m leaving on Friday hopefully before noon. I need to beat the traffic. Those of you in Ontario, I’m going from Kitchener to Barrie and then to Ahmic Harbor. So quite a drive. Hopefully the gas will be under a dollar this weekend. The other person I’m going with dosen’t have alot of money either. So, (little nervous chuckle) hopefully we’ll have enough for gas to and from, and groceries.

      So if you need to get ahold of me this weekend. I won’t be around a computer till Sunday. Probably late Sunday. I’m trying to get the stuff out that has been paid for. The only thing is I don’t know if I’ll have time to go to get the required packing materials.

      I’m so tempted to take the rest and get someone else to pack them up, but, I don’t have $20 to $100 each to do so. So I might have to leave the rest of these guys till Monday. I’m so sorry if that’s a problem. I wonder how much UPS charges if you pack it yourself. Maybe I’ll call them tomorrow. But, they are out of the road so I won’t get there until my next day off (after this weekend) anyways.

      I’ll let people know about the status of there purchases. I still have to box up the black male unicorn, white male pegasus, black young unicorn, and the emperor. (the male peg. and the young uni will be packed up tonight, hopefully the male will be as well. The emperor is the problem. I know I don’t have enough bubblewrap for him.)

      The ruby sun and the cats cradle, I’m out of packing chips so, unless I get packing chips they won’t be ready to send until Monday. Is there anything else? I’m not sure anymore.

      So I’ll probably let people know either tomorrow morning, afternoon, or evening. Or Friday morning.


        I hope everything works out the best for you!


        You know me… leave me (including packing them up) until last. I’ll get a money order out to you (do USPS money orders work in CAN??? I know Ive sent them there before but with all your PMs I dont know if you got to that question and I need to know since thats how Im paying ya… hope it works for you! :sudden stress:).

        Anyway, leave my packing till last; just put it aside. Payment coming soon!

        Have a good and safe trip! (Gas under a dollar 😯 please tell me I read that wrong or dont understand Canadian gas prices cause Im sitting here jealous and scratching my head!) πŸ˜•

        Have fun!


          USPS you need to get the ORANGE money order.. not the green.. and it will be fine.


          Snapdragon wrote:

          USPS you need to get the ORANGE money order.. not the green.. and it will be fine.

          So I just go to my US post office like usual and say I want “$XX.xx” amount for a money order but it’s going to Canada” and theyll know what to do from there?


            Yeah, just ask for an International money order, the orange one, and you’re good to go. The green one is only good inside the US.


            PhoenixTears wrote:

            You know me… leave me (including packing them up) until last. I’ll get a money order out to you (do USPS money orders work in CAN??? I know Ive sent them there before but with all your PMs I dont know if you got to that question and I need to know since thats how Im paying ya… hope it works for you! :sudden stress:).

            Anyway, leave my packing till last; just put it aside. Payment coming soon!

            Have a good and safe trip! (Gas under a dollar 😯 please tell me I read that wrong or dont understand Canadian gas prices cause Im sitting here jealous and scratching my head!) πŸ˜•

            Have fun!
            Well, Snap has already answered the first question. πŸ˜† Gas is sitting at 104.9 for one litre. (I think it’s by litre, I can’t remember for sure.) Yep, just looked it up its cents/litre. So don’t be jealous, our prices are supposed to be higher than in the states.

            Sorry, I did get your PM, I guess I just forgot to answer. 😳 You really don’t have to send money now. Send it when you can afford it.


              Which means it’s in the neighborhood of ~$4 per gallon, give or take.

              Yes, it’s definitely more expensive than the states. Ours is around $3.00 per gallon atm.


                Gas isn’t nearly as bad as it was a few weeks ago, but wait, another long weekend is coming.

                I was paying 1.324 per liter 3-4 weeks ago. But the Canadian/US dollar is extremely strong at the moment, so that translated to roughly 4.50 US/gallon.

                Right now I am on empty and I’ll have to fill up today, and it will be 1.10/L, so about 3.75 US a gallon.

                This is for premium fuel mind you. 87 octane is 11 cents a litre less. Still. Nothing like the .43/L it was before. (Or the 36 cents when I got my truck in 1998… THAT was a fun summer).

                Sure things cost more over time, but over the course of the 7 years I’ve been with Tami, which isn’t a millenium.. it cost $18 to fill up my car, and now it costs $55. For an a supposed economy car.

                But it’s all relative.. you just have to raise your prices on your work. So now it costs $125/hr plus milage for in-town consultling, where I never used to charge milage.


                Snap (and Romeo) thanks for the money order clarification. Now I know what to get when I go to the post office so there will be no faux pas or any hard to deal withs on Romeo’s end.

                And Romeo, after all youve done, you NEED to get money soon & you shall. Im expecting (never know with the mail these days) that what Im waiting on should arrive in my mail tomorrow. That means I need to go to my bank (long away in one direction) and then to the post office (way back then in the other direction) and mail out the package. While there, I’ll get you one of your money orders.

                On the gas front, I obviously dont understand Canadian currency equivalents or what the price of gas means as compared to ours. When put in terms against ours, yea, it seems yours is more expensive. It just all bites the bit baduki IMO. What I pay for now for my car, is what ppl who drive SUVs or Mini Vans use to pay only a few years ago. I use regular (87) gas and to fill my car costs almost 3 TIMES as much as it use to. Oh how I long for the days that my tank would only cost $18. Now, that barely gets me a hair over a quarter tank. Wow, I hope it all gets back to normal.

                Anyway, thanks for the helpful info on the postal money orders and what to look for when they go to Canada. Apparently the USPS ones (green) I had previously sent to CAN worked, but they had to do it in some round about way and never told me about it because it was a one time deal type of thing. Since Romeo is a doll, Id rather she not have to deal with diddly, and have in hand, what she needs right away. It takes nothing for me to do now that Im armed with the right info. Thanks for your help!


                Just wanted to let you know that the 3 young dragons (old green, brown, and white) and the Black Wizard arrived. Thank you very much. I love them.


                  Got the oriental baby today, safe and sound. And that chip is still super hard to see!


                    Got my flap cats yesterday!! *rather I picked them up…I think they arrived on Tues.. 😳 * Anyway, superb packing job! I just love them to pieces! =P 😯 Well, not REALLY…. πŸ˜† THANK YOU!!

                    Still got my mind on the OW too πŸ˜‰


                    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                    Got my flap cats yesterday!! *rather I picked them up…I think they arrived on Tues.. 😳 * Anyway, superb packing job! I just love them to pieces! =P 😯 Well, not REALLY…. πŸ˜† THANK YOU!!

                    Still got my mind on the OW too πŸ˜‰
                    No, you can’t have the OW. I want it. πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ Well it was wishful thinking anyway.

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