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    Awe who slipped in there and swept the griff chicks out from under … 🙁


    TrottierJS wrote:

    Awe who slipped in there and swept the griff chicks out from under … 🙁

    According to the first page they are still available.


    I was PMed saying that someone out bid me.. ah well
    Congrats to those who get them! 🙂


    Sorry, Trottier. 🙁


    Is the way it goes.. 🙂


    Aw, she probably wants what she paid for them anyway.


    I did offer that .. she was able to get more from others


    Oh, that is probably because they are out. Oh well, if I c some I will try to remember to let you know.


    Thank you.. I’m also on the waiting list with Windstone if they ever come out again.


      Don’t feel bad, I never even got an answer to my PM and now everything I wanted is marked sold 🙄


      wolflodge100 wrote:

      Don’t feel bad, I never even got an answer to my PM and now everything I wanted is marked sold 🙄

      I’m sorry. I thought I replied. 🙁


        Romeodanny wrote:

        wolflodge100 wrote:

        Don’t feel bad, I never even got an answer to my PM and now everything I wanted is marked sold 🙄

        I’m sorry. I thought I replied. 🙁

        Thats ok, saves on the wallet anyway 😆


        Okay I promise.

        Tomorrow, I’ll try to get the quotes done. And I’ll try to get back to the people that are still waiting on prices and things. In the morning I have to run out and get bubble wrap, and probably some boxes.

        Oh and I know there are people that are still waiting on pics. I’ll try to get them up tomorrow as well.

        Thank you so much for your patience! 😀


        Pictures! So far I have the black young unicorn.
        There are 7 fleabites, One on the left hind leg (very, very tiny.), The rest are on the tail. I should add that most of the white spots in the pictures are from the flash, these are not flea bite, or chips. I hope the pictures help. Next up the paper tiger:


        I just sent you a PM about the Blk Baby Pegasus. Front page shows he is still available? Could it be? PM me when you can. Just postiing to show order of interest asnd of course, to continue the bump of the thread 😆

        Oh, and I wonder if a tiny bit of baby oil on the finger or Q-tip would help to remove the stuck on paper on the Blk Pegs or if that would interfere with the paint. Hey, perhaps Melody or Windstone overall has as suggestion. Has anyone asked? Can you tell how badly Im chomping at the bit for that male?! 😈

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