
TFs' new purple violet silver dragon

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      you what, it is sort of for me as i have AWFUL tendonitis that makes my hands sweat and shake if i grip something and try to hold my hand steady. writing a letter is unbearable for me, my hand will just short of drip with sweat from the exertion, it stinks! anyhoo, i really give it to my paint, and the brush i was using. i tried a different brush and no way in holy heck was it going to happen! it was really rediculous! its a winsor n newton university series 233, 000 size. sku# 094376864908. synthetic hair. really nice brush. trust me, in no way shape or form can i draw (or paint) a straight line or draw a nice circle, its pathetic, but the brush and mixing the paint to just the right fluidity made it happen, as just running the brush along the edge of the scale was enough to steady it, and the brush size was already the perfect diameter.i got lucky!! really! hence i can’t do banded wings, cuz i can’t paint an even line normally!


        =P Well, all modesty aside, I really like the effect that came out of it. Keep up the great work!


          cool beans! i’m glad you like! thank youuuu! it does have a kinda cool effect. i think you guys are getting me to like it now! lol. i think y’all have convinced me. it looks like the scales are lifting up and apart in the lighting i have him in on my desk now…like a ripe pine cone… 😀

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