tf's glacier dragon ends tonight!

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        well, i thought i’d post a reminder that this little fella ends tonight if anyone is interested! he’s been sitting at $44 bucks and i’m not sure if it is going to do anything else as ebay has been a little touch n go on the pyos, but everything happens in the last few minutes anyway. i know peeps don’t have much money now, and heck neither do i, so understand all the deals people have been getting! i would have bid on so much stuff if i had more $$!
        he is really really pretty in person, i feel bad i listed him now as i kinda want to keep him. 😳 the paint job was a bugger with all the pearl white, and i swore i would never do one like that again , lol. ah well. we’ll see.
        there he is! anyhoo, just thought i’d give a reminder, just in case. 🙂


          Good luck! He is a beauty. I have a couple up myself right now, so I feel ya about the touch n go lately. I hope he does well!!


            thanks ski! i wish you luck as well! lets hope some non forum peeps still have some money! i should start taking commissions! that would take the mystery out of it all. and i have already taken a couple thru ebay off the ones i’ve done so far. i just needed to figure out my pricing.hmmmm good project for today….

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