TF's gaudy red gold dragon

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      ok so this guy is a little funky….. i have painted my personal sculptures for many years in a color pattern i called red gold, (a mix of many different shades of golds and coppers over black) so i just had to put it on a dragon. his body scales gradate from copper to gold, and underlined with a dark tarnished copper, but that gradation is a little hard to see in the pics. its funny how there are all these the “red golds” these days and how different they all look! normally i leave my sculptures in an antiqued state with it, but this dragon seemed to ask for it to be a little more refined. he came out looking like i’m not quite sure what… weather he looks like gaudy italian home decor, a wild turkey’s fancy feathers, or autumn themed…. thoughts? is he funny looking or ugly? i have had him 3/4 done for ever and finally got around to doing the last tweeks on him.
      anyhoo, the little bugger is going up on ebay tonight, i need more room on my work desk, its overflowing!… i’ll post a link once i get him up……



          I really like this color pattern. I don’t think he’s gaudy/ugly at all. I think I like the dark (black?) around the lighter color scales. Very striking. He reminds me of something, but can’t quite put my finger on it. I hope he sells well for you.


            yeah, he reminds me of something too, i can’t figure it out! closest i could think of is pheasant or turkey neck feathers… ack! i’m still stumped!


            the dragon’s colors are beautiful! it looks lovely the way it is.


            I love that! It reminds me of a knight in golden parade armor, for some reason. Beautiful!


              Ooooooooooo! Purdy…..Shiny!!!


                I think it looks great!!


                Very pretty. I also like the black around the scales.


                  tfsculptures wrote:

                  yeah, he reminds me of something too, i can’t figure it out! closest i could think of is pheasant or turkey neck feathers… ack! i’m still stumped!

                  It actually reminds of black hills gold…


                    Reminds me of something too… hmm! Aguigh I don’t know what though. Some sort of Indian art… or pheasant feathers maybe. Hmmm!!

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                      Ugly? NO – I think he’s beautiful I love that color you did a great job on him. Good luck on ebay


                      I don’t think it’s gaudy in the least- I personally love all of the mtallic shades you’ve got in there!


                        awwwwww thanks folks! i really wasn’t sure about him for a long time! i was really waffling about how he looked or moreover just what he looked like…then there was the whole black scale accent thing…. i had it originally on the body scales but it was too intense, so i put on the dark copper instead which really helped.. but in some places having the black underlining on the scales makes me think of a checkered taxicab! lol! i think i’m thinking too much though… but i like to let my pieces sit a week or more after i do them to let them settle and then see if i want to make any changes..
                        here’s his link just in case…


                          I really like him!!

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