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    Your welcome for the stories. What’s the fun if you can’t share the mayhem?

    My booklet of odd crap keeps getting bigger and bigger. Who knew some random pizza guy was going to text me the first time I order one from town. If only the lotto worked that way for me! Even though it was more than a year ago, I still have that pizza guys text on my phone, just because even to this day, I myself barely believe it happened.

    Copper, for some stupid reason, the you tube link you posted didn’t work for me.

    Toopid interwebs!

    Speaking of cell phones and the interwebs, one of the funniest sites I like visiting are the cell phone auto correct websites. OMGawd is that some funny stuff.

    Lokie, I definitely understand where you are coming from. I have a bud that was riding with me in my pick-up. As we were cruising down the road and he was fiddling through stations, he commented on my clock being the wrong time. I sighed and acknowledged that I had zero clue how to set the clock on my radio. That I had owned this truck for 8 years and that to no avail, I have tried EVERY button combo I could think of in order to properly set the clock on it. After more attempts than I want to admit here, I finally gave up and resigned myself to always having the time incorrectly displayed on the screen.

    Well now, let me just say Mr. Smarti Pants with his Smarti Pants phone absolutely impressed the begezus out of me.

    The dude whipped out his smart phone and went to I’m guessing some website and proceeded to look up the brand and model of my radio and within 10 minutes had my clock set. I was like, “Whoa, now that’s some impressive ” And yeah, it was a button combo that without the manual, I was NEVER going to figure it out.

    Now let’s see if I remember what he showed me when it comes to our infamous time change, which is right around the corner.

    Yeah, I am very impressed by them, especially after he did that with his. But personally speaking, I truly have no need for them, yet.


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