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        Where are you from? How did you start sculpting? How did you get together with Miss Melody and Windstone Editions? That should get us started πŸ˜‰ Hope to hear from you soon!


          Nirvanacat13 wrote:

          Where are you from? How did you start sculpting? How did you get together with Miss Melody and Windstone Editions? That should get us started πŸ˜‰ Hope to hear from you soon!

          Maya does intend to jump right into the dialogue but I know she has been quite busy and is a bit unfamiliar with the forum and gallery protocol. You should, however, hear from her soon and I know she also intends to put up captions that explain her pieces in the gallery. Next time she is in town maybe we can get together for archery and another great meal.


          I hope she gets around the Forum soon, or she’ll have so many questions to answer she won’t know where to start. πŸ˜›


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            I hope she gets around the Forum soon, or she’ll have so many questions to answer she won’t know where to start. πŸ˜›

            We’re kinda dangerous that way…


            πŸ˜† I actually saw her on a few hours ago, but she didn’t post.


            Nirvanacat13 wrote:

            Where are you from? How did you start sculpting? How did you get together with Miss Melody and Windstone Editions? That should get us started πŸ˜‰ Hope to hear from you soon!

            Hi Nirvanacat,

            I do have to learn how to get around in this garden of Jurassica. Thanks for being patient all of you.

            About Windstone and me.

            After asking my parents for a pre-inheritance, I went into business for myself. I had a small amount of my designs cast in another type of mineral stone and started by driving to whomever storeowner was willing to receive me. I did quite well. But it was allot of work to cover all the bases. It sure helps to know the business world and the difficulties to appreciate a fabulous company like Windstone.

            I connected with John on my search for a casting company. I went to the local library and wrote out of the manufacturers index every casting company on the West coast. It turned out that they all cast outdoor cement and concrete. Did you know that Windstone is to my knowledge the only casting company of this kind left in the States. Everyone else produces oversees!!!!!!!!!!!!
            John never said no to me, he just kept asking questions and often we ended up talking about kids or the environment ect. He really checked me out. John is a very good business man and a very kind and smart person. Needless to say that John and Melody have an exquisite sense and knowledge of sculpture. To work with them and everyone at Windstone as closely as we are has been a real blessing.

            Lets create


            Maya Hill wrote:

            Did you know that Windstone is to my knowledge the only casting company of this kind left in the States. Everyone else produces oversees!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Really? That’s scary. πŸ˜•


              But sadly the way alot of things are going…. πŸ˜•


              Wow… now that I think about it, I’ve really never seen any other notable pieces made of stone that weren’t specifically supposed to be outside. Yay for unique-ness!


              foxfeather wrote:

              But sadly the way alot of things are going…. πŸ˜•

              Yeah, unfortunately. Like Megani said, yay for uniqueness. And for us for keeping them in business. πŸ˜†


              Now we defiantely have to buy more and more to have them stay in business. πŸ˜€


              πŸ˜‰ There’s always more good reasons.


                πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  πŸ˜‰ There’s always more good reasons.

                  Like we needed any more, being the addicts that we are! πŸ˜†

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