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    My PS2 is mad at me for playing “How To Train Your Dragon” and The Lion King so much, that when I try playing them, it says Disc Error… 😀


    Loved Despicable Me. I thought it was much better than Megamind. The animation of the roller coaster was so cool – in the theater it felt like you were moving.

    I also really liked Tangled. I was bummed that I never got to see it in 3D. I thought it really funny that the animated horse and chalmeleon stole the movie.

    I saw Dango and thought the animation was great but the story was totally predictable and slow. But I really liked Hop. It is basically cotton candy for the mind but the day I went it was exactly what I was in the mood for.


    Loved Despicable Me. I thought it was much better than Megamind. The animation of the roller coaster was so cool – in the theater it felt like you were moving.

    I also really liked Tangled. I was bummed that I never got to see it in 3D. I thought it really funny that the animated horse and chalmeleon stole the movie.

    I saw Dango and thought the animation was great but the story was totally predictable and slow. But I really liked Hop. It is basically cotton candy for the mind but the day I went it was exactly what I was in the mood for.


    Hey, I liked Pocahontas…

    same here! although i was obsessed with it when it originally came out (okay, i was in 6th grade). but still think it was pretty good, one of my favorites.

    haven’t seen Tangled or the other recent ones that have been discussed. but probably will soon… we are so out of date in my house, my daughter is still watching HTTYD over and over and over.


      Everyone should just watch A Town Called Panic.


        I assume you mean Rango? lol. I saw that too… and something told me I wasn’t going to like it as much as the friend I went with was going to. I was right. I loved the snake, he was fantastic. Not to mention animating a snake correctly is extremely hard… and they did it.
        Actually, I rather disliked it until the whole, flying bats scene. It was just so slow up until then.

        I didn’t see Despicable Me, though last night I got it from the library. I heard it wasn’t that great at all (by several people). A friend of mine knows a few people that worked on it, and he was equally as disappointed in it. I myself don’t expect to like it much, but it’s free from the library and all I have to give it is my time 🙂 So I’ll be watching it soon here.

        Megamind was easily my favorite movie of the year. I took four different people to see it XD And the thing is, when I originally saw the commercials for it, I didn’t think it was going to be my “cup of tea”. Boy was I wrong hehe.


          HAHA!!! I know, AC/DC was like 90% of the Megamind soundtrack! EPIC! Plus the movie has actually made me LIKE Will Ferrell, haha! Over The Hedge is one of my favorites too.

          I still haven’t seen Dispicable Me, but it’s been in my Amazon shopping cart for like the past month ^_^

          I also recently saw Alpha and Omega…. it was ALRIGHT, nothing to write home about, but still kinda cute.

          Horrible to even mention and complete 180 from the current movies being discussed, but I watched The Human Centipede lastnight 0.o ….. yea, do yourself a favor and NEVER WATCH THAT! It will scar you for LIFE!

          Got a busted Windstone?
          *OPEN for repairs*

          *SEEKING GRAILS*
          Arc-en-ciel Emperor
          Siphlophis Male Dragon
          Calypso Hatching Empress
          Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
          Tattoo Mother Kirin
          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
          Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
          Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


          Yep, I meant Rango. Going to leave it as Dango since that was definitely a Freudian slip. I was so disappointed in it. I’m actually not sorry I saw it but one viewing is more than enough.


            lol just reading about it is scarring enough. It popped up somewhere many months ago… and so I read about it and yeah. I haven’t seen, and don’t want to see it, and I’m still scarred haha.


              Gotta add “The Incredibles” to the list …and is it just me or does “E” (Edna Mode) remind anyone of “Hetty Lange” from NCIS LA?

              twindragonsmum 🙂



                I have not seen any movies since Blind Side and Precious came out
                I can not afford them right now


                  I lol @ you for watching Human Centipede. XD I haven’t watched it (yet) although I’ve heard all about it, but I can’t imagine anything topping Cannibal Holocaust. o_o;

                  Hmm, but back on topic…I liked Tangled. It was not my most favorite movie ever, but it was sweet. I was kind of moved by the scene where the king cries. It was so real. o.o The scene with the lanterns was pretty.

                  I loooooooved Megamind. I thought Despicable Me was cute – my favorite part was where he read them “The Sleepy Kittens”, haha. Someone special ordered that book through our store the other day. I played with it. >.>;

                  Honestly, I was hating on CG hardcore back in the day (I still think it’s seriously creepy when they try to make people look real), because I loved (and still love) classical animation and CG has pretty much killed classically animated movies in America…but I think they’ve managed to convince me it’s worthwhile. I’ve actually bought some CG movies – Bolt, How to Train Your Dragon, Megamind, Happy Feet. All great, and have been watched repeatedly. XD Especially HTTYD~


                  Gotta add “The Incredibles” to the list …and is it just me or does “E” (Edna Mode) remind anyone of “Hetty Lange” from NCIS LA?

                  twindragonsmum 🙂

                  Heck yeah! :bigsmile: Edna and Hetty steal center stage in their respective storylines, IMO. They’re hilarious!

                  . . . Although in high school I learned from personal experience that diminutive women with killer fashion sense and glasses are SERIOUSLY not to be messed with . . . . 😉

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