Taking the plunge……

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    oh, beautiful cats!!!! You know, as Iwas looking at those soft lines and smokey colors, I thought how lovely they would be to try in pastels….Have you ever worked with those? I do my wolves mostly in them and I love the blending control I have….

    and here is a griff done completely in pastels also:

    I love how ‘soft’ they look…


      I like both of them…but the griffin is my favorite out of the two…nicely done… πŸ˜‰



      They are gorgeous!
      When you say work in pastels, are you referring to the medium itself, or the color scheme (pastel vs vivid)? I’ve worked with pastels, both the chalk and the oils; like the chalk better.

      I have been eyeballing these cats for the last couple of months, thinking about how I would go about this.
      ARRrrrrgh! I wish the darn thing would GET here already….. πŸ˜•


      yes, chaulky pastels. I shave them into a dust w/ a razor and dust on. I use both hard and soft, but no oily ones….um, i think i have some rembrandts, schmenkie(sp), art pro, and unison….


      Ok, wow! I would never have thought to try the pastels. I like the soft ones best, myself. It’s got to be tough to work with on these, I would think. Do you do any prep to the statue first?


      WHOOOOO HOOOOO! The griffin just got here with the mail! (He really is smaller than I imagined…. :wink:) I’m off to go buy the paints in bit. I have the three day weekend to work on him, too. Happy Dance!! πŸ˜†


        YAY! *does happy Snoopy dance*

        twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



        Good luck, tasgrs! *chirps like Woodstock to compliment the Snoopy dance.*


        Okay….here’s the scoop so far. I have the griff’s body pretty much done. I gave up trying to get the ticking effect exact after a while. I have his wings left to do, and I’m undecided on how I want to do them. His body and head are pretty close to where I wanted them; he’s not quite a seal point, but he’s not a chocolate point, either. πŸ˜‰
        I am torn between doing his wings in bright jewel colors, and a more subdued barring/eyespot pattern.
        I do have pictures, they’re in my camera. I will post them in a little bit; I need to get out and feed the herd, and then I’ll upload them when I get back in. So any suggestions would be appreciated. πŸ˜€


        Here’s some photos….


          He’s cool! πŸ˜€ I’d say go with the more subdued barring/eyespot pattern.


            pegasi1978 wrote:

            He’s cool! πŸ˜€ I’d say go with the more subdued barring/eyespot pattern.

            😯 😯 😯 Oooo! I agree! Nice work!

            twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



              He looks cool..I really like the stripes on him… πŸ˜‰



                Very cool! πŸ˜€


                Thanks guys! πŸ˜€ I guess it’s unanimous; my husband likes the eyespot idea, too. I’ll compromise by using blue in the spots. πŸ˜‰ I think I’ll use a little metallic bronze and browns, and metallic blues for the spots. If I don’t seal him right away, there’s no reason I can’t use interference paint on him, right?

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