Taking the plunge……

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    I’m getting the urge to do one. I’m undecided as to *which* one I’d want to try. I’m trying to not be **TOO* intimidated. 😉
    I don’t particularly care for the muse; something about the mismatched eyes that bugs me. 😀
    I’m kind of leaning towards the griffin.

    I’ve read the tutorial; I have an airbrush, but haven’t used it in ages–I’m talking like over 20 years– 😯 So I’m thinking of using a brush.
    I figured I’d draw from y’all’s experiences on this one. So what wold I need to beware of, and are there any other tips to be offered? I’ve worked with oils, acrylics, water colors, etc. So I’m not completely green. I just need to get over the thought in the back of my mind that I’m definitely in the minor league compared to some of y’all. 😳 😉 And I’m worried that I’m gonna completely mangle some poor unsuspecting sculpture. 😯
    Input, please? TIA!



      Just have fun! 😀 If you make mistakes, you can always paint over them.


      If you paint over a mistake, do you do it with black, white, or go on to some other color? Or doesn’t it matter?


        Stephanie wrote:

        Just have fun! 😀 If you make mistakes, you can always paint over them.

        Isn’t that the truth? 😆 I have a many times over painted griff. 🙄 Personally, I found the kirin easier to paint, but I am totally green with that kind of stuff. I’ve only painted walls…. 😆


        Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. As one of my favorite cartoon characters says: “Just Scooby Doo it!”


        Ok, I love painting Griffs…Well known fact that is! LOL
        Acryllics all the way. I also have been dabbling in powder pigments, but so far have found them messy, but nice enough to use.
        Sculpts are a pain in the butt to take paint off of, but it’s always possible if you decide you don’t like what you are doing.
        Wolves I would have to say are easiest for me though. I can whip one out in no time compared to the other sculpts.
        I haven’t ever painted a Muse, and I don’t really plan on it. I also have a thing about the eyes, but my hands shake too badly for all those little areas to keep it clean enough looking afterward. No guts, no glory. LOL 🙄
        I HATE to antique, if you don’t have a problem with it, then good thing! If you do, drybrushing a “top” color is what I do. And, I always basecoat everything.
        The idea is mainly to have fun I think. That is why I do it, plus I cannot think of another way to relax that is better! And, I love the fact I can do it on a Windstone! 😀

        I dunno if this will help at all, but it’s a start. 😉

        BTW…I have an airbrush too, but am scared to try it. 😯


          tasgrs wrote:

          If you paint over a mistake, do you do it with black, white, or go on to some other color? Or doesn’t it matter?

          For me I just painted over whatever color I wanted there instead. Sometimes I needed to do multiple layers to get my ‘mistake’ covered, but really it doesn’t matter too much.


          Okay, so as long as I keep the paint relatively thin, I can paint over any mistakes I make….gotcha! 😉
          Has anyone ever blooped enough to have to pick up another blank? 😛


          See Dragon87’s first PYO thread about their attempt on a dragon:



          Just go for it! Thinking about it is harder then doing it. For me, the griffs are really hard, but thats JUST me! I really like painting the muses, the dragons and the wolves. Ki-rins are ok, but you need to be aware of brush strokes on the fishy scales. I’m sorta particular about brush strokes.

          I have had some that required a bath in acetone because they needed to be redone completely. I have one ki-rin that I have set aside until much, much later….So, yup you will have a few that argue and fight and some that go quietly 😆 But really, the thinking about it is SO much harder then actually puttin brush to gypsum….


          So acetone is what needs to be used to strip acrylic paint? Do you use that straight, or as nail polish remover? Although I would think the polish remover might not be a good choice, since it has oils in it….
          So far I have talked myself into and OUT OF this and back into it about 5 times already. 😛 Mostly because I have relatively little free time this time of year. I have 2 or 3 different ideas of varying detail bumping around in my head, and can’t quite decide which one might be the one to start with….phooey. 🙄
          Are the pieces smooth finish, or are they a bit rough right out of the box? By rough I mean wanting to soak up every last speck of paint applied. And how tall is a griffin?


            It depends on how fresh your paint is as to whether you need something more than soap and water to strip it or not. When I have to use something more I use a non-acetone nail polish remover. Works wonders.

            Here’s a picture giving a size comparison of most of the PYOs (only missing a muse and the larger dragon). The Griffin is 6 3/4″ tall by 5 1/2″ inches by 3 1/4″.


            I have used really hot water to remove paint too, it just took forever. I’m impatient and hate waiting. I think youcan use alcohol too….But thats a worst case scenerio….You will do fine, just pick something and go for it. I had NO painting expereince at all when I started these. I sell most of mine, so I can’t be doing *that* bad of a job of it….heck, I can’t even draw….As always, ask questions, post pics, etc…people here are great about giving feedback!


            purpledragonclaw wrote:

            See Dragon87’s first PYO thread about their attempt on a dragon:


            I wouldn’t much call it an attempt… hey the wolf worked!

            (If you need to clean paint off – WAIT TILL IT DRIES)

            That’s probably the one major thing I learned from that, and I should have known it before…

            At least it didn’t cost $100 or I might have been upset or something…


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