Taking Bids–Blue eyed Male Red Fire test paint #1 Dragon

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    I am taking offers for the Blue eyed test paint Male dragon that was purchased on Ebay the 1st of September. It was painted and signed by Melody, and came with a letter of certification with a drawing on it. I’ve had offers for him, but every time I accept one, they back out, so please only make an offer if you are serious about paying for it, as I need the funds or I would not sell him. I will accept Paypal. If he does not sell through the forum, I was wondering how I go about getting permission to post the picture of him that was on the Windstone ad, since I am a horrendous photographer? He is still available for viewing on Ebay by inputting item #300253646896 on the search bar to see the whole description and all the pictures. He has been in a glass display cabinet in a smoke free apartment since I’ve had him, so he is still in the same condition with original box. Also I cannot post pictures on this forum yet, so if somebody else could help me out with transmitting that immage from the Ebay ad to this post, I would greatly appreciate it. :squeak:



      4NINER wrote:

      I was wondering how I go about getting permission to post the picture of him that was on the Windstone ad, since I am a horrendous photographer?

      Just email John, as he is the one you’d need permission from:

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
      My art: featherdust.com


        Here ya go…best of luck selling: -)


        thanks–John gave me permission to use the pictures if I have to take him to Ebay also. Thank you for posting a picture on the forum–try as hard as I might, I have not been able to get my pictures to come up here even though I’ve followed every instruction to the letter, and now I get spam emails from the picture website that I set up at.


          I think the problem is that you need 5 posts here before you can post links. πŸ˜‰


          I think you need 5 posts to post pictures…. I know I had that problem too!!! πŸ˜€

          I don’t believe I’ve said hello to you yet! So hello!

          Click Please!!


          Actually, I am on the forum twice, once as 49ER, which I have several posts up for, but then I forgot that I was a member, and couldn’t log back in, so I think Jennifer got me back on in this name. Anyway, either name should work now, but this is the only username that will let me log back in if I’ve been logged out for a long time, so that’s what I posted under. And hello to you too! πŸ˜€


          I thought it seemed strange that the names were so similar to each other (because I did think of that, really).

          Hehe. 😳

          Click Please!!


            Aw man, I wish I had the pesos. I loved this guy.


              yeah…I love that one too….droool….




                *empties pockets* so broke…sigh…do you take spare change and pocket lint?? πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                Or…I’d be happy to trade you a tatzelcat or something from my store, if you’d like to visit. There’s a link under my siggy. πŸ™‚


                I love your seafoam keeper, but I don’t think you’ll go for that! πŸ˜€ And being that I have cats, I have a lot of lint anyway–if only that was currency, I’d be rich!!!!!!!!!!


                  ah…the seafoam keeper is in my gallery section, and sold! πŸ˜€ She was lovely though. Almost all the things in the galleries is long sold, or not for sale. The stuff for sale is under “available Pieces” πŸ™‚

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