Suspend Reality Day

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    A friend and I decided it would be fun to create a new holiday, because there aren’t enough opportunities to play with imagination. It’s called Suspend Reality Day, and is on March 31st (the day before April Fool’s). The idea is to dedicate the day to playing make believe, reading a book, watching a movie– anything that suspends your reality for a period of time!

    I thought some of you might have fun with this, and we’re trying to spread the word. There is a facebook event page, if you want to socialize about it, and you can find it by searching for “Suspend Reality Day”. I know a few folks here I’m friends with there have already joined! Hee. And of course, if you’d rather not join the facebook group, feel free to participate however you like. It’ll be fun!


      I like that idea… I think I’ll start now.. and make a career out of it.. XD


        I joined! it sounds like fun! 😉

        While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


        frozendragon wrote:

        I like that idea… I think I’ll start now.. and make a career out of it.. XD

        Hehe–yeah, I think I already celebrate every day! 😆


          Yup, I’m someone who already celebrates this just about everyday 😳 But maybe I’ll do something extra special on that day, like dress up. 😀


          I like the idea, but it’s a Tuesday so I’ll be as stuck in reality that day as any other work day.


            That is a great idea


              I joined! Now I’ll have a really good excuse to wear my tiaras while I clean bathrooms *yuuuurrrggg!* Vacuuming is a one tiara job, dishes require two, potty detail takes all three tiaras ‘specially since I’m the only female in the house… We’ve got waaaaayyyyy too much testosterone goin’ on here 😀 😀 😀

              twindragonsmum 😀



              I’m already out of reality so far….. I think this is just a normal occurrence….

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