Survivor anyone?

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    It started tonight just wondering if anyone else is watching it, and the Amazing Race starts on the 18 and it is an all star season Woo-Hoo, rob and amber are back, and a link to a list of the returning teams, , saddly no BJ and Tyler, my personal fav team of all time, but oh well.


      Rob and Amber back on the Amazing Race? I loved watching them last time they were on it. I was a little upset when they lost. They had the lead, but the plane actually came back for the other couple even though it was already getting ready to go down the runway! I’ve never seen that happen before.

      I watched Survivor last night but I probably won’t watch it again till late in the season when they vote a whole bunch of people off. I use to love the show, but even with all the changes made to shake things up like exile island and the segregation of tribes, its still feels rather repetitive to me.


      I am not that into survivor either, hubby used to be, but he had to admit to me that he likes Amazing race better, honestly the last season I really liked was the all stars show, I loved Rupert 😀 and was happy to see him win the Americas choice.

      I loved watching Rob and Amber as well, so this season should be good, the team they lost to is back as well, should be interesting, and Charla as well, I liked watching her she is funny, and nothing gets her down.


        ruffian wrote:

        I am not that into survivor either, hubby used to be, but he had to admit to me that he likes Amazing race better, honestly the last season I really liked was the all stars show, I loved Rupert 😀 and was happy to see him win the Americas choice.

        I loved watching Rob and Amber as well, so this season should be good, the team they lost to is back as well, should be interesting, and Charla as well, I liked watching her she is funny, and nothing gets her down.

        Yeah, I actually didn’t really enjoy any survivors after the All Star one also. I loved Rupert too, and I’m so glad he was rewarded by the viewers 🙂 I guess nice guys don’t always finish last.

        Now I’m looking forward to the Amazing Race! Sucks Tyler and BJ won’t be there, they were my favorite team of all time too. I was yelling at the tv for them to get the flags first. Oh well, Rob and Amber will make up for their absents through devious acts 😈


        LOL I sure hope so.


        Lokie wrote:

        Rob and Amber back on the Amazing Race? I loved watching them last time they were on it. I was a little upset when they lost.

        gack. Put me on the other side, I despise Rob and Amber. 👿 I didn’t like them from Survivor, then they showed up on Amazing Race (barf) and now they’re back?? booooo hisssss That nasty backstabbing devious crap has become standard operations on Survivor, but that’s one thing I liked more about Amazing Race, people relied more on what they could do themselves rather than what they could do to someone else.

        not saying anything against those who like that… couple… just that I can’t stand them.


        I love both of the shows and Survivor looks like it’ll be an interesting season as well as Amazing Race. I’m just not looking forward to seeing Amber and Rob in it…I hate his voice so much, it grates on my nerves.


        Meh I can ignore his voice, and the new boston guy on survivor is just as bad.


          mikki wrote:

          Lokie wrote:

          Rob and Amber back on the Amazing Race? I loved watching them last time they were on it. I was a little upset when they lost.

          gack. Put me on the other side, I despise Rob and Amber. 👿 I didn’t like them from Survivor, then they showed up on Amazing Race (barf) and now they’re back?? booooo hisssss That nasty backstabbing devious crap has become standard operations on Survivor, but that’s one thing I liked more about Amazing Race, people relied more on what they could do themselves rather than what they could do to someone else.

          not saying anything against those who like that… couple… just that I can’t stand them.

          Well said!!!! I was beginning to think everyone like them and I was wrong. Just couldn’t be!
          I have to admit though. They played the game to win which is what the shows are about. But geesh! I wish they had a little integrity!

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