Surgery for me- updated

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      I’m glad to hear it did go well


        Dragon Master wrote:

        I’m glad to hear it did go well

        yeah it did real well..although taking painkillers every 4 hours that at the moment are only taking the edge off is a bit really hard to go through.


          Just take it easy and don’t rush things. Hope you feel better soon. 🙂


            me, too! How are you feeling now? Any better? When will you know if the surgery helped?


              i think the surgery went great…but oh gos, am i in pain..


              glad to hear it went well. sending warm fuzzies your way. (they may look like dust bunnies, sorry) 😕


                thanks again guys.

                So I finally got the packing in my nose out today….

                after the surgery I woke up in pain..they had me cuagh something up(what i guess was blood) and I soon realized I was in pain. they gave me morphine and I snapped my fingers to get the attention of the nurse because I was still in pain. They gave me more morphine….I was still in pain… they gave me more…and finally the kind nurses realized the morphine was not working and gave me Demoral. That worked. they were all very nice and sent me on my way all drugged up. My best friend stopped by to check on me that night, he stayed and talked for a bit before going home.
                The rest of the night was painful as the demoral wore off and the acetameniphen with codien was not working at all. Saturday I spent most of the day trying to sleep because I was in so much pain. Dad finally called the doctor who called my pharmacist who told my dad I could take Ibuprofen…which did not make much sense…but I took any way and FINALLY the pain went away. Sunday I kept taking the Ibuprofen..sleeping and painting a pyo. Last night my friend came over again and brought his bearded dragon..letting me hold him while we all talked(him,my mom, and my sister talked..and I snoozed with the dragon),when dad mentions that it is a blood thinner and I think,”what????” Evidently he did not talk to my doctor and only the pharmacist about the ibuprofen being ok..and the idea that I had just had nose surgery and was taking a blood thinner..and had to take my packing out the next day..well that all did not sound good to me…
                So I stopped taking the Ibuprofen last night and barely slept because of pain.

                I got up early and mom drove me the hour and a half to the doctor. I told the nurse about the ibuprofen and evidently that was a big nono…I could have hemorrhaged..(oh that scared me good).

                the nurse took out the packing…two fingers from a latex glove stuffed with gauze ribbon. That was the most uncomfortably painful feeling ever.
                I went home in slightly less pain, but now scared to death over taking the ibuprofen. I took a hot shower like the nurse told me to, to help me breath and it seemed like i was bleeding a lot and I could barely breath…which made me panic. mom called the doctor for me who told me to come in right away..
                so I drove ALL the way back.
                The doctor was real kind and showed me that everything was completely normal and that I was just a little scared of breathing deeply. And he was right..I was.
                So now I am back home and I am in a LOT less pain. almost no pain at all. just woozy and I am saposed to take it easy for a few days. so YAY. all seems to be getting better now.


                  I hope you feel better soon. Take it easy for the next few days. 🙂


                  Yay, sorry to hear it has been so rough, but I am glad it is almost over and that you are doing better.

                  Hang in there!



                    Glad to hear everything finally went OK and yu are almost out of pain


                      Hope you get feeling better soon. Get lots of rest and let us know how you’re doing. 😀


                        Glad to hear the pain went away and the bleeding was nothing dangerous. I hope you feel perfect soon!


                        Glad to hear you not in that much pain anymore. I can’t deal with pain.


                          yeah, i can;t deal with pain that much any more it is a lot nicer not to be in so much pain.

                          allthough I just started cramping from PMS and I can;t take the only pain killer that works for that because it thins blood. lol. one pain for another.


                          Well that sucks. 😀

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