Suprise thing….We need to pay by 5/25..details in 1st post

Home Forums Miscellany Community Suprise thing….We need to pay by 5/25..details in 1st post

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  • #706022

    starbreeze wrote:

    Snapdragon wrote:

    You’re a man DM. The rest of us are just little boys in comparison.

    Somehow I don’t think you’ll ever grow up!!! 😛 😆
    Our resident Peter Pan?! 😀 Can he fly (fly fly fly)?! 😆 Many vying out there to be his Tinkerbell? 😛


      Maybe I don’t wanna grow up!

      PFFFBTTTTTTT 😛 😛 😛


        That’s okay….we love your boyish charm!!! 😆


        ::swoons with a heart thump::
        Ahhhhh- youth! Mmmm 😀


          Yeah well, I like to think I’m young, when I’m actually not.. I put in 48 hours here at work this weekend, I’m conceding and going home to sleep for a few hours.

          Yes I was here all night.. and all day yesterday.. and all night the night before.. blah blah without this Windstone couldn’t come live here so you can’t beat on me for it! SO THERE!


            Drat!!! Foiled again!!! 😛 😆


              How so?


                You said we couldn’t fuss at you for staying up all night because if you didn’t, Windstone couldn’t move. 😛


                  Oh, right. Gotcha.

                  Ok.. me go home now.. if I don’t run out of gas on the way, cause I’m way too tired to bother with that.


                    Poor Snap….get some rest.


                      I had a shower.. now I’m wide awake 😯 😯 😯


                      Snapdragon wrote:

                      I had a shower.. now I’m wide awake 😯 😯 😯

                      Drink some hot tea, read a boring book, and you will be out in no time. Sleep well.



                        Kyrin wrote:

                        read a boring book

                        i thought the girly junk on the forums would work
                        don’t hit me
                        ok hit me, I like it


                        Girly junk??? I don’t know what you’re talking about. *attempts to whistle.*


                          Dragon Master wrote:

                          Kyrin wrote:

                          Dragon Master wrote:

                          Snapdragon wrote:

                          I got a PM saying boys weren’t allowed in. 😯

                          I was allowed in so what does that make me??

                          An honorary girl??

                          You walked right into that one!

                          Well I’m the Decade Empress in Alameda County starting in September so I guess that fits

                          LOL DM youre the greatest 😆 😆

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