Sunburst Gryphon

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    This lovely lad is going to lamortefille since she expressed an intense desire to get her hands on my first PYO, the Sunbeam gryphon ^_^ So I painted another one in the same colour scheme but I do think this one turned out a lot better in a lot of little ways ^_^

    Here are the rest of the photos I took of him πŸ˜€

    He’s very iridescent as well, in a way that the photos don’t show because it’s subtle but puuurdy. The red in this gryphon turned out a lot more to my satisfaction ^_^

    I’m currently working on a brown-eyed gryphon but I’m now open for commissions for custom paint jobs if anyone likes my paint styles πŸ˜‰ PM me at your leisure *chuckle*



    Bright and cheery! And a little too pink for my taste, but maybe that’s just the lighting. As far as coloring goes, he seems to lack depth around his eyes – a little red shading would pop them out. But that’s my opinion.


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Bright and cheery! And a little too pink for my taste, but maybe that’s just the lighting. As far as coloring goes, he seems to lack depth around his eyes – a little red shading would pop them out. But that’s my opinion.

    That’s the interference red being hit by difuse sunlight so that’s as pink as it can ever look LOL When you look at it straight on, it’s more crimson to vermillion ^_^

    Thanks for the feedback! He’s got some pale gold highlights by his eyes but I wanted to keep him warm and yellow in certain places ^_^ He’s got some red edging the back sides of his “cheeks” πŸ˜€


    The edging on his jowl is great, but yellow feathers around yellow eyes blends… Either way, he’s pretty! πŸ™‚


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    The edging on his jowl is great, but yellow feathers around yellow eyes blends… Either way, he’s pretty! πŸ™‚

    That’s kinda what I was going for, the black edge to the eyes was enough outlining for me ^_^ The idea was the colouration would mimic spilling sunlight so subtle and blending was the aim πŸ˜€ Thanks though!


    Ah, that makes sense! Well done, then. πŸ˜€


      He is quite beutiful. A more simple design and lovely all the way around.


        He’s just GORGEOUS, sunhawk!! Thank you! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Seeing him made my day – it snowed here last night:-/


          Great blending! He’s very pretty.


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Ah, that makes sense! Well done, then. πŸ˜€

          Thank you ^_^


          skigod377 wrote:

          He is quite beutiful. A more simple design and lovely all the way around.

          Thanks muchly ski! πŸ˜€


          lamortefille wrote:

          He’s just GORGEOUS, sunhawk!! Thank you! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Seeing him made my day – it snowed here last night:-/

          Hooray! πŸ˜€ Yeah it’s been snowing here on and off, i’m looking forward to walking to the post office at some point! LOL But i’m glad you like him ^_^


          Phoenix wrote:

          Great blending! He’s very pretty.

          Thanks deary πŸ˜€


          Woah, that’s an awesome blend! Very true ot being a sun hawk, Sunhawk.

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