Suggestions for the forum…

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  • #590912

    I took the second choice.


      dragonessjade wrote:

      SilverArrow wrote:

      This is probably not very feasible, but it would be nice to have a gallery or area for links to pics for each user’s collection. That way if we are trying to find pics of Ski’s spectral (for example), we don’t have to try to remember what page of which “show your collection” thread it was. Just a thought.

      I like that idea.

      I don’t know if Windstone could afford the bandwidth for that- that’s kinda what the Windstone encyclopeida is going to be for, though I realize we won’t be using many personal photos from people. I can mention the idea though if you’d really like me to.

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        *Looks at nearly dead-even poll results*

        Well, so far, the poll hasn’t helped our decision any! 😀


        Nambroth wrote:

        dragonessjade wrote:

        SilverArrow wrote:

        This is probably not very feasible, but it would be nice to have a gallery or area for links to pics for each user’s collection. That way if we are trying to find pics of Ski’s spectral (for example), we don’t have to try to remember what page of which “show your collection” thread it was. Just a thought.

        I like that idea.

        I don’t know if Windstone could afford the bandwidth for that- that’s kinda what the Windstone encyclopeida is going to be for, though I realize we won’t be using many personal photos from people. I can mention the idea though if you’d really like me to.
        I guess that is true. We will see some pictures of people’s collection.


          DantheDragon wrote:

          I vote for more shorter threads :X I love to see people’s new Windstones and collections, but egads, I just don’t have the time to look through threads that long. :X

          But… you’ll have to look through exactly as many POSTS, just scattered around lots of little threads. How does this save time?


          I like the forum as it is but when i fist joined it was really annoying looking through 60 pages of the the collections thread. I don’t think you can skip and go from 1-24 say. It only shows the first three and the last.


          What if we had the option to view more pages at a time if the thread is long?


            dragonessjade wrote:

            What if we had the option to view more pages at a time if the thread is long?

            Good idea.


              well this brings up the EXACT point I was making about the “I just bought a celebration thread”. Good idea Sparks but it seems to me that things get lost this way and like if you want to see page 27 because you “think” you might remember something on that thread you wanted to see again it takes forever to fianlly get to that page, only to find you where wrong and now you have to search all over again and get very frustrated not to mention how much time you have wasted. A seperate forum for show and brag about your windstones would be GREAT in my opinion. Every Forum member has space for the paint your own so why not for showing off or bragging about your Windstones??


                SilverArrow wrote:

                This is probably not very feasible, but it would be nice to have a gallery or area for links to pics for each user’s collection.

                Odd that this came up because it crossed my mind a couple nights ago.

                However.. it’s up to Windstone if they would like to sponser a user gallery or not. They have the PYO gallery, but they may or may not want to have a full fledged user gallery.

                Yes, one of the concerns is bandwidth, but also there would be a large moderation effort in order to ensure that what is in the gallery was only production Windstones and no other pictures.

                In the past I’ve setup gallery space for people to store/link pictures, but it’s been taken advantage of and run up large bandwidth bills on my end, so I’m hesistant to do it again. If members wanted to contribute some change for the ability to have a place to put their collection pictures, all together, ad free, BS free, I’d consider setting up a gallery outside of Windstone for that use.


                  Good point about trying to find things, though the search feature is pretty awesome. We could always post a link to our collection in our signature, if it was that important. Good idea? No?


                    skigod377 wrote:

                    Good point about trying to find things, though the search feature is pretty awesome. We could always post a link to our collection in our signature, if it was that important. Good idea? No?

                    I’ve got the most important piece in my collection in my signature. *grins* That’s all I need to be showing off.


                      SPark wrote:

                      skigod377 wrote:

                      Good point about trying to find things, though the search feature is pretty awesome. We could always post a link to our collection in our signature, if it was that important. Good idea? No?

                      I’ve got the most important piece in my collection in my signature. *grins* That’s all I need to be showing off.And he is so cute, staring at me 😀


                      i’m of the ‘don’t care’ camp. but please do not offend each other when you duck it out.


                        skigod377 wrote:

                        Good point about trying to find things, though the search feature is pretty awesome. We could always post a link to our collection in our signature, if it was that important. Good idea? No?

                        I have no idea how to even START doing this

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