
Suggestion for members that paint PYOs and the forum.

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Suggestion for members that paint PYOs and the forum.

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    Hum, you should be able to see the blue kirin I painted. I think I deleted the griffen pictures by accident. Um, the other two that I did the pictures should be in the swap photos.

    Honestly, I don’t think I paint that well.


      Romeo is a girl 😉 As for the idea, now its just sounding like a gallery, but out here. I def like the regular gallery better. I can see those pictures at work. 🙂

      Not a dumb idea or anything, but I think the gallery is sufficient for what you had in mind.


        Okay, I getcha, Blackdesertwind! 🙂 I’m not sure if it would be too redundant on the gallery or not…
        I like everyone to make these decisions though, since you guys are the forum! I made a poll. Majority gets it! 🙂

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
        My art: featherdust.com


          I think that posting them here would make the gallery a moot point. I also cant see most of the ones that are posted here. I would like to be able to comment on them and see them and I cant do that here. Folks can make their own topic now if they like. We dont really need to change anything, as I see it.


          Just because an idea doesn’t work out as you thought it might, doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea. Sometimes you just gotta throw it out there for some feedback. 🙂


            skigod377 wrote:

            I think that posting them here would make the gallery a moot point. I also cant see most of the ones that are posted here. I would like to be able to comment on them and see them and I cant do that here. Folks can make their own topic now if they like. We dont really need to change anything, as I see it.

            The idea has merit, but really I agree with Ski…*shrugs*


              Even though it would be kind of redundant since we do have a gallery, I like the idea. I rarely use the gallery for my pyo’s and most of the time just post them in the forum. For me it is easier to use the forum since i end up painted more then one at once and it is also easier for me to view photos in forum posts. I also tend to visit the pyo threads way more then the gallery.

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