Ugh today I was so happy that I finally found the part I needed to outfit the toyota so I could turn Alyssa’s car seat to forward facing. I went over my parents house so my dad could install the bolt then after a long visit came back home. I drove by the playground that we always take Alyssa to only to see 4 teenagers setting it on fire! I called 911 and told them but I didn’t stop since I had Alyssa in the car. I hope the fire department gets to it before the whole thing goes up. That is Alyssa’s favorite playground and I’m so pissed these little hooligans are screwing it up!
Urgh, that’s sooooo frustrating! Why do people (in general) feel that destroying some thing is fun? Especially some thing that a whole community uses and enjoys? Idiot children – someone should’ve added some cholrine the their gene pool… *grumble, grumble, moan, gripe* 👿
We’ve had a problem with an arsonist around here for a couple of years. My neighbors shed was set on fire and the woods around the walking trail have been set on fire over and over. They never did find who did it but I’m getting really sick of it.